Anyone else scream when startled? Thankfully, I only do that at home. I happens when I'm very much in my own space, either home alone or in the bedroom alone, and someone enters that space. If I'm in that space alone, and absorbed in what I'm doing, and someone (always my husband, since it's just the two of us) comes into the space, a scream comes out. And it's not at all an emotional reaction. In fact, often, by the time the scream comes out, I know very well it's just my husband, no problem, but it's too late to not scream. Like, the figuring out what's happening process takes less time than the trigger to scream process.
In other places, I may sometimes startle, and even yell out when doing so, but not the same kind of scream in the situation at home that I described.
not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.