I have vivid memories from the past of events that hurt me randomly pop into my head. If I fight them off with distractions I can sometimes not leave enough head space for them. If I have to perform tasks that I don't derive enjoyment from, it creates much potential for these thoughts to take hold and cause me to become very agitated. Then every interaction I have is affected by my altered mood. I can treat those around me rather poorly, but have no idea that I am doing so. Later, when I review past events, I hate myself when I realise that I have treated somebody that held some degree of care for me poorly. I believe that when I am being assaulted by hurtful memories and I am finding the simplest tasks frustratingly difficult I am aggressive towards others which leads to negative reactions which creates new negative memories. Repeat cycle. Build momentum. I wanna get off now.
You've described my many years' suffering through this same cycle... the only difference being the cause of my agitation, which was bullying, hurtful (non-constructive) criticism, etc. It became a vicious, repeating cycle that I still struggle with at times, though much less so recently.
You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.
You fear doing such because you'd never do it. Once you realize that, you get used to them.
People who do "bad" things don't care that they do bad things (they may care about getting caught, but that's purely selfish, which fits in with who they are).
yes, i was reading something in a science book that supported this idea. if a person has intrusive thoughts and is disturbed by them, there is little-to-no chance they will act on the thoughts. the people who act on the thoughts are the ones who are NOT upset or bothered by them. did you know this instinctively or did you learn it somewhere?
OP, it has also been found that 100% of people suffer from intrusive thoughts at one time or another. the difference is in variables like subject matter or frequency/severity. it's very common to imagine random violence against children and the elderly (yes REALLY!). i saw this list of the top ten intrusive thoughts of normal/non-OCD people (at least not diagnosed):
1. Did I leave heat, stove or lights on that could cause a fire?
2. Left the door unlocked, and an intruder could be inside
3. While driving, an impulse to run the car off the road
4. I could get a sexually transmitted disease from touching a toilet seat or handle
5. Even though the house is tidy, an impulse to check that absolutely everything is put away
6. Feel sudden impulse to say something rude or insulting to a friend even though I'm not angry at him
7. Impulse to say something rude or insulting to a stranger
8. While driving, the impulse to swerve the car into oncoming traffic
9. The thought of having sex in a public place
10. The thought of having sex with an authority figure (eg. minister, boss, teacher)
11. While driving the thought of running over pedestrians or animals
12. When talking to people, intrusive thoughts of their being naked
13. Impulse to indecently expose myself by lifting my skirt or slipping down my pants
14. Impulse to masturbate in public
15. When I see a sharp knife, the thought of slitting my wrist or throat
16. When in a public place, the thoughts of becoming dirty or contaminated from touching doorknobs
Data from Purdon and Clark (1993) and Byers et al (1998).
i have some criteria for OCD but the shrink didn't feel like adding more diagnoses to the pile so she kept it open. i get A LOT of intrusive thoughts; i have difficulty going a few minutes without a random intrusive thought popping into my head. usually i am just imagining horrible things happening to myself or to other people - i am not often feeling any impulse to do any actions myself. it is better if i am at home with very little change in environment or stimuli.
i think some people do CBT do deal with this kind of thing. and i agree with the above posters that it sounds like OCD, in the form referred to as "Pure O".
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
@hyperlexian most of those seemed to do with nudity or sex, lol
Fixed the really bad typo
Last edited by Alexender on 22 Feb 2012, 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
it's true - sexuality and violence are really common for intrusive thoughts, i think it's because those things are really taboo or shameful.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
Hey MM,
As others have said that does sound very OCDish. For a while (years) in my teens I had a horrendous time with disturbing, intrusive thoughts and/or images popping into my head. During the worst time It was pretty much continuous. Sometimes it involved 'intentions' toward others and at other times towards myself (i.e. images of sharp objects cutting into my eyeballs). I also had the "counting" thing with light switches, like Jack Nicholson does with door locks in "As Good as it Gets."
Anyway, I didn't tell anyone because I didn't know what it was and thought that it meant that I was nuts and would be "put away" if anyone found out. Luckily for me, though, it faded as I got older. By the time I was 20 it was almost completely gone (and has stayed gone). I've read that one-third of OCD cases get worse, one-third get better, and one-third stay the same.
Oh, and I've also had the thing where a painful or embarrassing memory will pop into my head out of nowhere. I still get that sometimes, though, so, to me, that seems like a different phenomenon.
Various thoughts are always popping into my head. They are me trying out as many of the possible things as I can.. basically constant brainstorming, some of it so automatic now that it just happens, like breathing or blinking.
I used to let certain thoughts annoy me but I've learned not to do that anymore. They are simply ideas, or the very beginnings of ideas, and if I don't focus on them, then nothing happens.
Getting annoyed at things never helps me in general.. it just makes me annoyed.
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