Oh, yes. I have a host of strange ailments.
I used to pass out constantly when a child. I was taken to the doctor several times for testing, mostly to check my blood sugar and blood pressure, and everything always checked out fine. I haven't done it in a few years, though. The last time was about five years ago, and I passed out in Biology class at my community college, hit my head and suffered a concussion. I've gotten terrible migraines once every couple of months or so ever since. I also have terrible vertigo now.
I have to pee all of the time. I tallied the number of times I went to pee over the course of a week once, and it ranged from 12-20 times a day. This is highly unusual, and is supposed to signal an issue. I've also had, on rare occasions, the type of severe pain associated with urinary tract infections, but every time I went to the doctor, the results came back negative for a UTI, and the pain would always go away within an hour, anyway.
I once went a year without getting my period. I never know when I'll get it, and it 'plays out' differently each time I do get it.
I have LPR, which is similar to GERD or acid reflex, but it's focused in my throat, which makes my throat feel really thick, like I have to clear it all of the time, and it's effected the quality of my voice.
If I drink coffee, I feel like my chest will explode...and I once hallucinated after drinking a large cup of coffee. Caffeine does not, however, stimulate or 'wake me up' in any way.
I can drink alcohol like a champion. I had 20 shots within two hours at my friend's party (8 of them were chugged all at once), and not only did I live (obviously), but prior to chugging the final 8, the first 12 didn't even have me noticeably buzzed. The odd thing is, despite my superhuman tolerance for alcohol, I rarely drink; only on special occasions! So, I have no idea why my tolerance is so high. Probably the same reason they give me 6 shots of Novocaine at the dentist's office. Unfortunately, I don't know that reason, either. haha.
I'm anemic, but can't take iron pills or any supplements containing iron. I'll throw them up immediately.
Aspie Quiz: AS - 141/200, NT - 77/200 (Very likely an Aspie)
AQ: 34/50 (Aspie range)
EQ: 32 / SQ: 68 (Extreme Systemizing / AS or HFA)
Diagnosed with AS and Anxiety Disorder - NOS on 03/21/2012