Thanks for the encouragement, SusyQ... My bf (NT... and really great!) echoes your sentiment.
And Fraya, that's one of the best metaphors I've heard in a long time! I beleive this as well (hence the wanting to get off the drugs), and so well put!

Fraya wrote:
To make things more complicated every human body is different.
Its like pasting the same subroutine into randomly selected software programs without tailoring it to fit or even reading the rest of the program to know what will happen.
Best case scenario is there are bugs worst case you crash the program.
1987??? How old ARE you??? I mean, sorry, I really don't mean to be so blunt, but dude, I was nine in '87... and
you were buying tryptophan over the counter?
I was 17 in 1987. Old enough to be on adult probation at the time for a prohibited weapon.