kBillingsley wrote:
Then again some research suggests that a placebo works just as well as any antidepressant, but even so, whatever works right?
One criticism of that research is that it includes people with mild depression. That is, if you remove the mild and moderate cases antidepressants do show a statistically significant benefit.
I haven't read all there is to read on the subject, but the meme that antidepressants don't really do anything appears to be fudged at least a little, IMO. I think it may be a case of various people having an anti-psych-drug agenda.
Anyway, that said, I take amitriptyline and mianserin for depression and they do help. I'd say the drugs help 50%, but also allow other things which did nothing when I was totally depressed to be helpful, i.e. "mindfulness," relaxation exercises, taking walks, hobbies, etc.
I recently tried gabapentin for sleep and restless legs induced by the above meds, but it seemed to cause a depressive crash. I also take sometimes midrodrine for dysautonomia.