Mostly infront of a mirror, but we have a mirror opposite the shower
This is something I have always done, all the time at home, only if I'm very stressed outside my house or car.
I pretend to have a hands free set for my phone in my car so I don't look too wierd talking to myself.
I can't help it, tell my kids I'm "thinking out loud", got that phrase from my (spectrum) mum who is the same.
I repeat scenarios past & future, can sometimes get angry at shout at the person I'm thinking of, tends to be repetitive, going over the same scenario endlessly for an hour or two.
Very calming and satisfying, I think its a stim, certainly my biggest one since I don't have a swing
I sing too, similar but not the same.
Have had people look startled when I'm stressed & forget to stop myself in public