It's so funny how much we all have in common here!
marshall wrote:
I also take forever to pick up on the characters' names, so when one character mentions another character in the third person I have no idea who they're talking about.

Lockheart wrote:
What I have trouble with is catching and remembering character names - and heaven help me if two characters look even vaguely similar. I have trouble telling them apart. It goes without saying this can get extremely confusing.
Gah, I have trouble when even two people have similar hairstyles. You know what's funny? That actually ruined some of Fight Club for me. (I'd tell the story, but this forum doesn't have spoiler tags.)
American wrote:
I'm notorious for asking way too many questions during movies, thereby ruining the film for others.
Eloa wrote:
I cannot enjoy watching them, I am - in a way - "too hyperactive" to watch them and I am loosing interest very quickly.
Yep. I feel my mind wander after a few minutes. Then I have to kind of "snap" myself back and try to pick up on the story despite what I missed.
biribiri20 wrote:
They usually put me to sleep, regardless of how "action-packed" they are. It's only since the past few years that I can now actually complete them in one sitting.
Actually, I find action films put me to sleep even
more than other kinds of films. I'm not entertained by violence, and I find fight and conflict scenes hard to follow, so I zone out. By the end of it I sometimes have to ask somebody, "So, who just won there?"
As has been mentioned several times, I also watch with subtitles. Without them, I either completely lose track of fast conversations or I miss some really important details/plot points because I just can't process it all.
I can't stand movies sometimes. Whenever my boyfriend says he wants to watch one with me, I either fight it (if I'm in a bad mood), or ask what I get out of it (if I'm in a good mood.) I also often complain that movies don't have intermissions. "It's only 90 minutes long," my boyfriend will say. "Yeah. Exactly. It's NINETY MINUTES LONG. It needs a break!" I counter. Does anyone else feel that way? It's like I need a break to process what happened. It's also just really hard to pay attention nonstop for so damn long.
... Too bad this doesn't help me get along with NTs any better. As if being in a group or at a party isn't awkward enough, one of the main things NTs like to talk about are movies... and I've never seen (or even heard of) most of them.