I am a picture thinker. Instead of mental grocery list, I have mental grocery map. Instead of written instructions on paper, I have mental instructional videos. For motor activities like lab eggsperiments, I do them many times in my mental videos before I do them for real. I don't worry about getting lost anywhere, because I am obsessed with maps, and I have many maps of many places in my mind, and I find it easy to convert real-life settings into mental maps for real-time navigation. The big problem with thinking in pictures is translating pictures into words, and I only figured out that I could do this about two years ago. Before that, it had eggscaped my attention that such a process could eggsist, and I had no inner speech that I could turn on to go with the pictures and videos that were my thoughts. The translations take a lot of effort, but I like that they are spontaneous communications from my mind instead of what I had previously, which were short scripted statements that made no sense to anyone.
In addition to pictures, I also have a lot of sensory things from sound, touch, smell, taste going on in my mind at the same time that I think visually to figure things out. I would say that I think moar using direct sensory perceptions and less using verbal representations or conceptual abstractions, whatever those are. I am a moar concrete than abstract thinker. Playing with all the details can be overwhelming and take a long time and screw up communications with people who think differently, but I like playing with the moar raw data, because the data can be generalized from the bottom-up in many different and interesting ways.