JanuaryMan wrote:
Hey bloodheart, maybe because in the past the Internet was home to only the smart, the quirky and interest groups. Now it's become a lot more domestic, and overpopulated with domestic and common opinions. And with this the entitlement complex, requirement to interact and dominate other opinions has increased dramatically. Even the fun things you mentioned are this day and age more stressful and open to criticisms. I too ran a lot of things, had extensive commitments to online games and now I don't even have many friends on any messenger programs. The Internet is a very different place from when you were more active (sounds like 2003-2005?). Maybe this has played a big part in your reclusion.
You're so right here, I also really hate the "trolling" culture now, back in the day you had sites like SomethingAwful but for the most part their kind of harassment was very different. Sites would get the ALOD (awful link of the day) and someone would snip quotes and captions, heckling it. Some sites and communities I went to got ALOD ironically but it was nowhere near the level of what we have now, where every kid wants to be a master troll. I also really hate the new lingo people use in games.
Let's face it, the Internet has always had creeps but its a much scarier place now for some of the same reasons and many new ones. To me it feels like venturing out into the street of a metropolitan city like Chicago, where cars, taxis and people are moving every second and sidewalk is littered with all kinds of people, most who don't care but some hate and want to hurt you. Less than a decade ago it was more like countryside with a few small houses.
Despite the volume of posts I make here this forum is really the last bastion for me, its not perfect, but its the only place I'm not terrified to post on.