Do/did you repeat things over and over again?

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Do you repeat things multiple times for no apparent reason?
Yes 91%  91%  [ 60 ]
No 9%  9%  [ 6 ]
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12 Jun 2012, 2:13 pm

I drive my boyfriend crazy with the repetition. I think it's echolalia.

I listen to the same tracks over and over to the point that he complains about it. "I know every sound of every song you play, intimately." Sometimes I'll find a section of a song that really appeals to me and I will "rewind" just that part of the song over and over again, hundreds of times. I do the same with movies or favorite TV shows..... I've watched Firefly and Serenity at least a thousand times, The Star Wars series double that. I'm just starting to Fringe again.

I've got crap repeating in my head all the time, usually "wawawawawa wa wa wawawa" or Lalalalalala" or "bumbumbumbumbumbum" Out loud, under my breath, while breathing in, in whistles, while drumming on things. Sometimes its parts of a favorite song or phrase. Or beats to a rhythm.

My favorite is the Imperial Death March. lol

I'll mimic unique sounds, like the cat meowing, the dog growling, birds whistling, chimes, train horns, etc... so annoying and I get embarrassed by it.

I'll repeat the last few words people say, but I'll do it in a foriegn accent. Sometimes over and over again.

"In social situations such as these it is generally customary to offer you a hot beverage, would you like a hot beverage" but in a blindingly Brittish accent, or Native. or Mandarin..... Sometimes it's just "Would you like a hot beverage?!?!?!" REALLY LOUD, long drawn out brittish lady accent.... That one makes the boyfriend laugh... All I'm really trying to do is offer the guy a drink.. I don't think he understands that it's involuntary...

I should also mention, he hates the music I listen to, it's repetetive beats and sounds.... Loops.

I know part of it is probably echolalia, but the rest of it I think might be simply stimming. My computer station I loving call the Strobing Star Ship Entropy is essentially a stimming station... Big huge speakers, lots of bass, mutliple monitors, I get the tunes cranked and turn on Milkdrop (fractal visualization program packaged with Winamp), wrap up my big double thick heavy fleece blanket, and just get absolutely lost.


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12 Jun 2012, 4:08 pm

No, I don't. Not at all. Nope.

(Sorry, couldn't resist).


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12 Jun 2012, 4:16 pm

I'll watch certain movies over and over. It drives my husband nuts, so I try to space viewings out over time, so he doesn't get tired of them. But sometimes I'll have just finished watching a movie and immediately get the urge to watch it again.

When I was a teen I would play certain songs that I loved over and over again.


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12 Jun 2012, 4:19 pm

I can play the same video-games again, and again, and again, listen to the same song for hours, but detest watching a movie more than once.

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12 Jun 2012, 7:20 pm

yes I do repeat things over and over again , yes I do repeat things over and over again , yes I do repeat things over and over again , yes I do repeat things over and over again, yes I do repeat things over and over again :lol:


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12 Jun 2012, 7:30 pm

When I'm alone I have conversations with people who aren't there... actually more of a monologue with assumed dialog from the person who isn't there. I have to finish the monologue or it feels incomplete. And I get sidetracked into other monologues. I've done this since I was a child.

Sometimes it's the same conversation over and over again if it's something I enjoy talking about, anything from a conversation with someone I'd like to meet, someone I want to put in their place, fictional people, real people I know who I intend on having that conversation with later, or or or etc. the list of scenarios is endless.

It gets in the way of... life.


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12 Jun 2012, 8:54 pm

I have a verbal tic called palilalia. It's where I repeat words or entire sentences under my breath - but instead of repeating other people's sentences (as in echolalia), I repeat my own sentences. It's like I will be finished talking, but my mouth will continue moving, like someone in a badly-dubbed foreign film. The potential for embarrassment is high, since 9 times out of 10 I don't even realize when I am doing it. In fact, I wasn't aware that I did it at all until I was a teenager and my brother pointed it out to me one day. I thought he was joking until I asked my mom about it, and she said that it was true and I'd been doing it my whole life.


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13 Jun 2012, 3:18 am

I have an "apparent reason."

I can't stop.

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13 Jun 2012, 7:22 pm

Yep, big time. I only have a few different meals I eat repetitively. My wardrobe only changes slightly. I listen to the same song over and over again when I discover a new one I like. I can watch some movies over and over again. YouTube is a big drain on my time because I can just look for the funniest or coolest scene from something and just watch it. I've sat there sometimes for minutes on end watching one short clip over again savouring it like some people probably do with food. I think that last one is the most severe case because I like to laugh so for a couple of weeks I might keep going back to the same clip just to hear the hilarious way a certain line is delivered or the look on someone's face when they react to something. I know most people wouldn't understand this and think it's weird so I have some guilt attached to it and do it in private like stimming.


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13 Jun 2012, 7:37 pm

just thought of something i do that even i consider a bit odd. I have all of the harry potter audiobooks. Over the past 5 years i think i've 'read' the complete series 20 times! I also have The Dresden Files series that i listen to over and over.

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19 Jun 2012, 2:46 am

I'll repeat words or phrases over and over, or i'll put one song on replay and listen to it for a while.

I hate watching movies or reading book twice, though.


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19 Jun 2012, 1:41 pm

Yep. Songs...movies...sometimes I'll recite something over and over, just do do it. I might hum a melody nonstop, much to the annoyance of others.


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19 Jun 2012, 10:53 pm

I took the thread title more literally this time; the instant I hear something cool I have to fire it back out for anywhere from a hour to a few days, and I like to repeat loudly phrases culled from hearing several people talking at once and join the words together in the order my brain processed them. Last time I was visiting relatives it was pointed out to me that I hear a certain segment and run with it

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20 Jun 2012, 3:03 am






Did I mention... yes?

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20 Jun 2012, 3:21 am

Yeah music, DVDs, a interesting fact I will repeat over and over sometimes just general conversations aswell. Movements aswell, if I do something with one hand/foot i have to do it with the other aswell


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20 Jun 2012, 10:08 am

iceveela wrote:
Do/did you repeat things over and over again?
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.
Not at all. I never repeat anything.

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