monjanse wrote:
My mum tells me that it isnt normal for an high funchional autistic or asperger to want to talk and have conversasions with theyr mum or dad. But i love to have comversasions with my mum and dad. Is it thrue that autistic people doesnt like to talk and visit theyr parents?
This post makes zero sense.
If they mean that "autistics dont like talking to ANYbody" then that is a common stereotype. Like all stereotypes its not always true (some folks on the spectrum are chatterboxes) but many autistics are reclusive and dont like interact with anyone.
But Ive never heard that autistics hate talking to their parents MORE than they hate talking to other people.
Some autistics are afraid of strangers and ONLY talk to trusted family members.
Then there are others who have issues with their parents and become mute around them, but do speak to folks outside of the nuclear family. In fact that was the storyline of the first major motion picture with an autistic character I know of-made back in the sixties ( about a secondarily mute boy who bonds with a horse on the yorkshire moors- forget the title of the movie).
All kinds of premutations of behavior are possible, but thinking that a diagnostic trait of autism is that you "hate talking to your own parents" is absurd.
So ( i dont know if this is good news or bad news for you) but the fact that you like talking to your parents doesnt disprove that you have autism or AS, or whatever.