Aspie94 wrote:
Does biting your fingernails and the cuticles around them until they bleed count? If so, I've done that since I was little and have no intention of stopping. It calms me down.
I dont' believe any of the "personality disorders" will hold up over time. In the US, many doctors now treat BPD with meds for bipolar disorder, with good results. I got the BPD dx. too and I thought, "Baloney." I never really believed it existed. I'm not much a believer in psycology. AS behavior was often mistaken for various "mental illnesses" before they knew what AS was. All of it is just theory anyways. I'm not a fan of theory. Show me the facts.
I've always bit my nails constantly since I was a child. I don't think i've ever seen the white part on the end of the nail ever...hehe I don't always bite until they bleed, but I do sometimes if I am very preoccupied/bothered. I scratch the cuticles as well, but since they are easier to make bleed, I tend to accidently make it bleed almost everytime I scratch them.
I don't ever use anything to cut myself with, but I seem to make lots of small superficial cuts by scratching my face and whatnot with my nails. They never bleed for very long. Maybe just a drop at most. This is more of a nervous thing and not intentional however. I haven't ever made a habit of intentionally hurting myself. There have been a couple times I've done something, but would that be considered normal if it's not a habit?