I used to draw maps a lot - all of imaginary places. They looked pretty good, but they took a lot of time for me to do. They were very detailed. I was very interested in real maps, too - I memorized all the countries of the world by location, and shape, as well as most major rivers and land features and such.
That was more when I was in high school, though. Now (as I did then, still) I make a lot of music. Most of my originals (the ones not associated with any band) are solo bass, usually involving lots of harmonics. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging at all, but it's very difficult stuff - if you want an idea of what this sounds like look up Jaco Pastorius' "Portrait of Tracy" - I play it much faster than he did in the original recording (he would play it much faster during live performances, too) - I also add things to it, for example I do a three-string barred false harmonic slide, on a fretless bass, sliding from 9th fret fingered on G D and A strings with 13th fret for the false harmonic (both my index and pinky fingers must be perfectly parallel to pull this off, not to mention huge pressure being exerted by my index finger to keep the notes ringing through the slide) to the 4th fret, holding the harmonic, then back up to the 9th fret. Sometimes, I go from 9th fret on those 3 strings with 13th fret false harmonic, slide down to 4th, then up to 10th, then down to 9th. They're very hard to pull off - I literally have never heard another bassist do these things, ever. All Jaco did was hold the false harmonic chord - I added the sliding.
Bass is my main instrument - again I am not trying to brag at all, but I've never heard anything I can't play on bass - whether it's Jaco Pastorius or Victor Wooten or Stanley Clarke or Marcus Miller or any good bass player. It's been a special interest of mine for 14 years (bass playing specifically).