LeeTimmer wrote:
I have an almost ridiculous ability to remember song lyrics from nearly any genre.
If I manage to hear the lyrics to a song (which, in almost 100% of cases, requires me reading them), I am the same - they're memorized in totality pretty much forever, even if I don't practice it.
However, I almost never understand what people are saying when they are singing.
LeeTimmer wrote:
I can "hear" the chord changes, drum sequence, rhythm, background singers, etc.
I have absolute pitch - I know what you are talking about. Are you able to know the exact notes and chords and such of a song, with no external reference (such as a tuner or an instrument - what I mean is, determining the notes/chords using just your mind and the music), such as hearing a note and knowing it is F, or hearing a chord and knowing it is F minor with a flat 2nd (phrygian mode)? Or, if you have no musical training or have not linked notes/chords to note/chord names - are you able to hear one note/chord and KNOW that it is precisely that exact note/chord, which you've heard before, and only perceive in that one precise way, and know without any doubt that it is that note/chord, just like you know when you look at the sky, that it is blue, or grass is green, or oranges are orange, etc.?
(assuming the sky is cloudless at midday on a normal day - that the grass is healthy and of a common species midsummer - and that the oranges are ripe and healthy - and that you can see, which I am going to assume anyway)
If you're able to do all that - you should work on singing, and playing instruments, too, if you don't already. I didn't start really singing until late December (Dec. 2011). I had all of these abilities for as long as I can remember (being able to recognize notes and chords like I recognize colors), yet I was not started on instruments until 8 or 9 years old, and not started on more complex instruments until 10 years old. Once I was, I took off and excelled at them.
If you have absolute pitch you could have great potential -
and even if you don't it is
NEVER too late to start singing, or playing instruments, or anything. There are no rules saying you must start singing/playing whatever instrument before a certain age. It's all up to you. I've only played piano for 2.5 years (more like 2.75 now) and I'm already better than every pianist I know in person (granted that's only talking about 20 or so people - only counting people who consider piano/keyboards to be their main instrument), and all of the best ones I know personally - meaning the ones who, when I play with them, I thoroughly enjoy it and they're able to keep up no problem (a list with only 6 people on it) have been playing almost their whole lives.
Also, I apologize if you already play instruments and such and already have boatloads of musical training - if that is the case this post probably will seem annoying or offensive or something - that's not my intent at all. I'm just trying to make sure that if you -don't- have that training and such, that I do my best to encourage you to go get it. Please start singing if you are able to - it was very hard for me to start (I still can't sing in front of certain people - namely my mother and sister, for very very complicated reasons - although I do sing at any show I'm playing - I sang today while busking, for hundreds of total strangers, for example.). But I'm very glad I started - and for a while I could only sing while alone. I still do my best singing, and most singing, alone. Humming is another story (that, I have done as long as I can remember, in front of anyone).
If you ever want to talk music please please feel free to PM me. (this goes for anyone)