Aspergers: lying and stealing
Yes, among the subset of autistics who steal things, chances are most will steal things of interest to them. That just stands to reason.
I don't think he meant it literally. I think he meant an inner voice, a stream of thought that keeps popping up over and over.
Theft is a serious charge to make against someone without proof, and could ruin your friendship. He has never stolen from you, so take that as your evidence until/unless you learn differently.
Lying and stealing are learned behaviors, which I never fully developed. I tried to take things I was interested in only to try lying to explain how my new toys got there, I think the longest I ever got away with something was 3 days. My FBA half-brother was 'stealing' crayons to flush them down the toilet, so it's pretty much down to an interest thing if 'we' take things not in 'our' possession
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30
haha. the "hearing voices" comment cracked me up, because taking things literally is what started me down the path to figure out his deal...and after reading more and more about aspergers, there were more and more things about him that id found peculiar that suddenly had a common cause. we have gotten into some pretty HUGE arguments/fights over stuff...and now we are at a "if it is important, wait until it can be discussed in person" place. was not literal. torn. having JUST gone through the lying bit with him, and working through that, im really sensitive about dishonesty. but, i DO know he was arrested for shoplifting, he was accused of stealing from some previous roommates and banned from their house...and now this. anyhow, TBH its not the stealing per say that bothers me...its the situation. These were my friends, we were guests in their home. They filled our bellies with food and alcohol, gave us a place to stay, and even let him...a total stranger...hang out during the day while the rest of us were taking care of our own business.
i know this guy...he does not forget ANYTHING. well, not true. once he forgot which t-shirt he left at my house and didn't remember to remind me to grab something at the store. but, honestly...thats about it. i WANT to trust him. but i also dont want to be gullible, naive, and hide from the truth.
and as for checking the files? its empty, save for something i had him download from a file sharing site for me.
It is a dilemma. It seems you might have to confront him in order to resolve it, and I think if I knew someone was stealing, especially from friends while we were guests in their house, I'd not want to associate with that person any longer, unless maybe they sought help for it, such as if it was some form of kleptomania.
I used to steal things, only when it had to do with my special interests.
When I was in grade 1 I got overwhelmed by the classroom so my teacher assigned the job of straightening everyone's boots. During that time, I rummaged through people's stuff to look for things related to my special interest at the time.
When I was a bit older (perhaps 7 or 8 years old) I stole things from my classroom and the local play center related to my special interest.
I also stole multiple things related to my special interest afterwards.
I am not a very good liar. I do hate when people say, "I can tell you're lying just by the look on your face.", that just shows how flawed their system is because often when they say that I am telling the truth.
"God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with prime numbers."
-Paul Erdos
"There are two types of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from looking at your files, and cryptography that will stop major governments from reading your files."
-Bruce Schneider