yellowtamarin wrote:
Rebel_Nowe wrote:
It doesn't make me (or probably you =P) like an NT. Alcohol just makes everyone talkative and emotional and less able to focus on small details. It sounds like being more NT, but you still don't have a clue what is and isn't expected, proper social behavior. You just don't gave a s*** xd
I'm just playing around with this idea at the moment so when I challenge your point here, I'm not sold on my idea yet but just putting it out there.
One of the main "problems" aspies have seems to be focussing too much on the details. Drinking helps stop this from happening. Therefore we are more NT. Do we really then have the same social issues? I'm wondering if NTs are just as bad as us at "knowing what to do", but they don't give a s***, whether they are drinking or not. They don't notice or care as much when they make social mistakes, so they participate more and therefore get better at it at a faster rate (and if they still aren't great at it, nobody really cares or notices as much as an aspie would think they do).
In short, I'm suggesting that "not giving a s***" is a big part of what separates aspies from NTs.
Honestly, I can say that I don't drink and I really don't give a s**t but I still have social problems. When a person drinks to the point where they don't give a s**t it doesn't prevent other people from thinking they're an as*hole.
I think NTs focus on detail as much as anyone, they just focus on
social details. Next time you're at the grocery store look at the rack of tabloids at the check out. Is there anyone on this forum that actually gives a crap about what kind of hat some rich spoiled quasi-celebrity girl wore to the beach? Or some other actresses cellulite? There are even TV channels devoted to this crap. People with ASDs miss the
social details whether they are drunk or not, that's really one of the fundamental traits of ASD.
I would agree though if you said alcohol might help with social phobia for that reason.