Joe90 wrote:
I hope I die by the age of 70. That's because the s**thead government are raising the retirement age, and by the time I get old I will probably have to work until I'm in my mid-80s. That would be terrible, since Arthiritis, Alzheimer's, blood pressure issues and stomach issues seem to run in my family, affecting the elderly relatives and now mildly beginning with relatives reaching their mid-50s, so it's obvious that I will probably inherit this too, plus I am only 22 and already run down with stress and anxiety issues. How is one supposed to get up and go to work each day when they suffer with these things? I will end up getting the sack and being thrown out on to the streets - because by then care homes will not exist. They're cutting all of them back one by one now. And I won't have anyone to look after me by then because all my cousins will be married with brats and probably getting on with their own lives (I'm not good enough for them now, let alone when they're married and tied down with brats), and I will never get to have kids of my own because they will be Autistic and Autistic kids aren't going to be able to look after me, they'd be too severe or wouldn't be able to cope with looking after me.
Jesus, I really don't know what this country is coming to. Turning a generally secure country into a third-world country........f**k you, David Cameron. I hope you f***ing die in pain, you f***ing rich c**t.
Things aren't a bit better in East-Center Europe. I practically don't expect to get pension from government organizations, despite paying a lot (at least till I leave this rotten place). What I spare for myself is what I'll get, it is as simple as that.