pensieve wrote:
It's called creative license. Some things don't translate as well in a movie as they do in a book. And the director wants to put their own original spin on things. Alfonso Cuaron changed it so much other directors went with it and turned a kid's film into something more...better. But yes, it did annoy me how much he changed it. Now when I see a film I just complain about the parts they omit that they needed to show so people got the bloody point.
It was a shame they couldn't wait for the series to finish prior to starting the movies. There is no way they could have known the significance of some trivial details in the earlier books, that became so important in the DH.
I'm a HP fan, but the books were really about Harry having loads of stuff happen around him. He didn't actually interact very much with anyone and there wasn't that much dialogue, this is great for a fantasy book as you are just a passenger. It doesn't translate into a very convincing movie.