AspieOtaku wrote:
Funny thing is recently I repeat things to myself in foreign languages like Chinese. "da Jia hao... laoshi hao"..dong bu dong... dong.. It is a phrase I learned in Mandarine class and even after class is over with I rehearse it to myself I like saying it at times.
I sometimes think in foreign languages or I talk to myself and my cat in foreign languages. My previous cat, every morning I 'd say good morning to him in dutch lol
Sometimes I repeat a phrase somebody says on TV, and sometimes a phrase gets stuck inside my head and I can repeat it for days, but that doesn't happen often. There was a tv commercial tho, where the guy said "Is it the butler?" That phrase was stuck in my head for days hahaha and I was repeating it every day for a few times. I don't know if all that is echolalia or not as I never felt compelled to repeat something somebody is telling me in a face to face conversation.
Just for the record, I have a little bit of echopraxia, In face to face conversations or if I see some motion on TV, I mimic it. It feels to me that if I mimic it I will understand it better.