I refuse to keep running away from things, I guess. I've noted how the names people in various groups call themselves keep changing over time. While I'd agree to a change if the meaning of the word became associated with nothing but pure ugliness, I don't like giving in to ignorance and nastiness by abandoning the term just because someone can make fun of the sound of the sylables. People can make fun of somebody's personal name, too. But that's not a reason to change your name.
True, I pronounce the "p" instead of the "b" as much as I can. But I also go with the hard "g". So, for me, it's "ASP-urg-ers". That's my one little nod to the need to make it lend itself less to the joking. But I'm not going to go to extra special effort to try to find a new name that nobody can goof around with to make me feel bad. Besides, we can't even all agree on a symbol anyway. Remember that thread? We're just not all going to think alike. I respect what others are saying, but I think there are many ways to modify the pronunciation, and that's a thing that's already happening, and that's enough for me. We can say ""ASP-urg-ers", "AHS-pearj-ers", or whatever, and that's fine.
Think having a cool name will save us? Consider how straight people said gays "ruined a perfectly good word" and then, because it kept being used, eventually started going around saying anything stupid, distasteful, or otherwise socially unacceptable is "so gay". "ret*d" just means "slow", but now both words are insults. "Dumb" means without speech, but now it's commonly used to mean "stupid". These days, does anyone really want to refer to someone as a "negro", even though it's the corruption of that word that's the slur, not the original term itself? (Why that term got used in the first place, by the way, is another matter, though, with an ugly history of its own. So, maybe that's not the best example.) Even "Afro-American" sounds enough out-of-date to make you look silly, and that was a self-chosen term by at least some members of that community during a certain era. Whether we choose the term or not, we can still find ourselves unhappy with the result, once NTs get their hands on it. I say, let's make a stand instead of ducking the whole thing.
I have Asperger's. I'm an Aspie. If someone decides it's funny to warp that into something else, that says more about them than about me.
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