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05 Oct 2014, 7:54 pm

When I was a teenager, I measured as an INTP/J. As I got older and my Asperger's symptoms (although I didn't know I had Asperger's) didn't have as much opportunity to show up, I started measuring ISTJ.

I can see aspies being INTJ, but I don't think it's exclusive. We should be careful not to make the human psyche so rigid.

I would think ISTJs could easily be aspies. Experiencing the world primarily through senses rather than intuition sounds very aspie. We suck at intuition, but our senses are so strong they often overpower us.

Of course, it's also possible that the MB Types only really take into account what our personalities would be like if we were NT. Being an aspie could through off the test and skew it toward one type, when the real reason for that behavior isn't type, but aspies.


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16 Oct 2014, 11:12 am

This leads to this and this leads to this and therefore...
Ni+Te or Te+Ni INTJ or ENTJ

This how to use my body or I perceive(d) tangible things and this should be done

Te is outwardly very offensive to lot of people though many love it. Truly objective and impersonal formal logic with minimum subjectivity.
ENTJ and ESTJ are socially very withdrawn when we measure group time sociability. They display outwardly directions (not commands!) and they are not your typical buddys who go out partying. They prefer strictly from one one one to about maximum of 6 peoples to hang out with intimately (ENTJs it is about 3 at max). They look for intimate (introverted) sociability because they seek for internal feeling connections (Fi). They can be cool comedians but they are not there to provide everyone comfortable atmosphere (Fe) as they rather joke about by using their logic and internal morals (like David Chapelle).
There are probably lots of ESTJs and ENTJs who mistype themselves as introverts.

Both ETJ types dwells on their feelings from time to time and a have huge soft spot in their heart.
ITJs usually apply their feelings more personally than impersonally.


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16 Oct 2014, 11:45 am

I'm ISTJ. Although I think I kind of am middling on the S and the J.

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17 Oct 2014, 5:27 am

I hover between INTJ and ISTJ with INTJ appearing to be more dominant on various tests.
After reading various descriptions I cannot for the life of me figure out if I'm more intuitive or sensing or some blend of the two.


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17 Oct 2014, 5:53 am

I am strong INTJ, going to be political activist.
They say INTJ should be second in command like advisor but I always prefer to be at the center. It may look not so close to Asperger but for me it's pretty simple - when you are center of attention in such field like activism you are mainly judged by what you do globally rather then by your social awkwardness. You still could be shy and polite person and his only adds you some credits.
When once I was participating with one local social movement I had to replace its original leader with myself and things only went better - I still was (and am now) totally aspie but I got an opportunity to organize things in way I think perfect. When you command you fhave more independence and more place for your true personality.
It may be false for now for top level of national politics but who knows how it would look in ten years? It depends only on us.


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17 Oct 2014, 7:26 am

benr3600 wrote:
I've noticed that not only do many aspies identify as one Jungian personality type or the other, but some aspie characteristics seem to be exaggerated behavior of NT traits of each type. For example I am an INTJ and do not identify with the obsessive acquisition of facts and strict adherence to routines many here do. Those are actually some of the defining characteristics of my grandfather, an NT ISTJ, just not at what would be considered an abnormal level, I guess. As an INTJ I gravitate more towards improving functionality instead of maintaining it and seeing the forest but missing the details of some of the trees and pissing people off because of being impersonal and not caring for irrational social norms. It actually seems like the textbook aspie is an ISTJ mixed with an INTJ with a heightened INTJ social ineptitude and heightened ISTJ aptitude for acquisition of concrete facts and without their social aptitude which ranks near the top of introverted types. Which type have/do you identify with? There are some other aspie types as well but I would bet these two make up the vast majority.

I'm not sure why those would be the two dominant types. I've seen plenty of examples of INTP's like myself on the spectrum.

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17 Oct 2014, 12:11 pm

benr3600 wrote:
Well, here is my take on this resource, trying to break down the traits/characteristics into INTJ or ISTJ flavors:

Benr3600 ? Thanks for posting this.

I took the formal MBTI test twice (through an employer). First, in 1990 (my results were INTJ; I=17; N=13; T=57; J=17) and then again in 1997 (my results were INTJ; I=55; N=27; T=55; J=47).

Even though I came up with INTJ both times, I always was a bit confused about the difference between S and N. As I seemed to exhibit traits of both. I found your analysis to be quite useful.