Curiotical wrote:
I wonder how an NT would react if we began saying things like "No, you can't be an NT! You aren't an ignorant, pretentious, insecure, stupid, insincere and intolerant biggot!"
They would say, "what's an NT?"
Frustrating as it is, it happens for a very logical reason. There are just enough people with Aspergers Syndrome for people to have an image of it, but that image will inevitably be wrong because it is made from too few data points. Lots of people only have one or 2 data points: something that they saw in some documentary or work of fiction plus a person they know in real life. It is statistically unlikely for any given person to exactly match those one or two data points and so they will think "you can't have it, you aren't like (real or fictional person who is a data point)." It even happens on here, and this is one of the largest data aggregates around. But even so, people will still make threads wondering if all Aspies hate loud noises or assuming that all Aspies hate to be around other people and so on.
This will probably slowly change as data points accumulate to the extent that the world at large has enough data points to think "when you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism". But that is likely years in coming.
There should be more strict laws on hate speech. People should be punished for saying these things, regardless of whether or not they were intentionally offensive.
If it isn't intentionally offensive then by definition it isn't hate speech.