does anyone avoid mobile phones? especially smartphones

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30 Sep 2012, 6:43 am

I still don't have a "smrt" phone. I still have my Nokia. If I can get one dirt cheap I'd consider the option.


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30 Sep 2012, 7:43 am

I avoided mobile phones for as long as I could when they first came out. In the end I had to succumb when they first upped the charges on payphones and then stopped replacing broken ones. I kept finding myself stranded between college and home and unable to call anyone for a lift.

I've had a mobile for many years now but I'm renowned for always having the sound switched off and I never answer unknown callers to my mobile number. I use it almost entirely to call out, and not for incoming calls. I also prefer sms wherever possible.

I still have a landline though most of my colleagues don't, but I somehow prefer the idea that if someone calls a landline they're calling and 'address' and not an 'individual' so they can't be sure who'll answer and so can't personally bug you in the same way.

So far I haven't got a smartphone, but I'm not adverse to the idea. Having a phone that's better at doing almost anything other than making phone calls is quite appealing to me. But on the other hand, where I can be a bit of a technology geek in so many ways (computers, laptops, cameras) I really don't feel the same way about phones purely because they're all about contacting people. My current phone is from the dark ages, but my laptop is less than a year old and I'm already eager for a newer model.

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30 Sep 2012, 8:54 am

I have a HTC desire touch-screen phone.



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30 Sep 2012, 2:48 pm

I hate smart-phones with a passion. My hands don't work well with their haptic technology (extremely cold hands and such low blood pressure, they cannot get a pulse read out on my fingers), I hate having to zoom up on anything just to click a button on a webpage (I'd rather use my laptop), poor battery life (I know people who almost have to leave them plugged into the charger - might as well use a regular phone with a cord), they're bulky/big, overpriced and full of glitches. I still have my IntensityII from Samsung (which I charge every 2 weeks) because all I wanted was the capability to store my files on a memory card and play music through the phone (more durable mp3 player for far less than an actual mp3 player -- I only paid $30 for the phone after the $50 mail-in rebate). I barely even talk on it (I've had it for slightly more than 3 years and have about 24 hours worth of calls logged on it). The first cell-phone I owned was a free flip phone from LG and that was to use if I needed a cab or anything while at University (I didn't own a car).


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30 Sep 2012, 2:52 pm

I often have trouble finding the right words and I would rather communicate by email too. However, I LOVE my smartphone. I couldn't live without it. I don't talk on it that much though. I mostly text and use the internet. Trust's amazing to have the ability to look up anything on the internet, wherever, whenever. If you ever hear of something you're not familiar with, you can find out what it means in seconds. Love Smartphones..


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30 Sep 2012, 3:17 pm

japan wrote:
I often have trouble finding the right words and I would rather communicate by email too. However, I LOVE my smartphone. I couldn't live without it. I don't talk on it that much though. I mostly text and use the internet. Trust's amazing to have the ability to look up anything on the internet, wherever, whenever. If you ever hear of something you're not familiar with, you can find out what it means in seconds. Love Smartphones..

I have to say it's pretty cool to hear people actually use their smartphone that way, instead of for inane things. :thumleft:

Not owning one myself, I was alerted to the convenience of smartphones when someone asked directions at our local laundromat one day, and I was unable to provide them, while a lady who was also present only had to whip out her phone and find the route that way via Google maps.

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30 Sep 2012, 3:48 pm

My smart phone is glued to my hand. It has all my games, music, and entertainment, as well as a camera and video recorder. My SD card is stuffed to the brim.

I also have a translator, a calculator and an app for Wikipedia. It's my own resource.

Oh, and a GPS. Got lost in downtown Portland once... :lol:

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30 Sep 2012, 3:51 pm

Had the simplest possible model, for less than a month, would have called it an unwanted fixation.

Seems like an invasion of privacy, when I am out in nature, or during my down time.


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30 Sep 2012, 5:11 pm

Nope. My only complaint is that i have to have a voice plan on my smartphone. I have the most basic plan with 500 minutes, i use maybe 50 a month. I wish I could get a text/data only plan.

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30 Sep 2012, 6:08 pm

I don't have a smartphone because I don't need one. I don't really know what to think about them. I love computers and audio equipment, but I'm not bothered about phones.

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30 Sep 2012, 6:14 pm

I didn't have a cellular phone until I bought a car. I don't trust cars to be reliable. So I have the phone in case the car breaks.

I would consider a smart phone but I'm not sure if I would use the internet on it enough to justify the expense. My laptop works well enough for that purpose. Wifi hotspots aren't hard to find. But maybe. I will eventually.


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30 Sep 2012, 9:29 pm

I've never seen the allure of the telephone in general. My dad always told me that I would understand about girls talking on the phone one day, but that day never came. I'm not nervous about talking on one, but when I call someone it's to relay information, not a social chat, unless the other person lives far away. I resisted getting a cell phone for years because I hated the idea that people could get in touch with me anywhere, but finally got one when it got to the point that it was cheaper than using a land line with long distance service.

I absolutely refuse to get a smart phone, though. I don't see any point to them. I prefer a stupid phone. The one I've got is the cheapest model on the market ($15 at Radio Shack).

Now, something I really hate -- and I mean with a passion -- is texting. Text messages are the most irritating things in the world. I find them horribly intrusive. I can ignore an inconvenient phone call until a better time, but I can't ignore my phone going off every minute or so with text messages. And there's never just one. My daughter (she's 24) tries to hold long conversations via text message, and it drives me batty. I can never go more than two rounds of texts without just calling to get the conversation over with. It takes five times longer to have the same conversation via text as it would if she'd just freaking call me to begin with.


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30 Sep 2012, 10:05 pm

for the longest time, I refused to get a cell phone. Why? Because people can't put the damn things down, and so many times I'd be out with a friend somewhere, and the damn phone won't stop ringing. And it's usually a girlfriend or a parent, wanting to know where he is, why he's there, what he's doing, who he's with, and blah blah blah blah, SHUT UP ALREADY!! !! !! !!

So now that I finally have one, I use it to text my girlfriend and find pot. I don't use it for much more. I never make calls with it because it's prepaid verizon, and it's cheaper to just text people.

Ever since "smart phones" have come out, people have gotten dumber and more dependent on technology than ever. Everywhere i go, people are constantly staring at their stupid phones.. And I REALLY don't see the appeal in touch screens. I can see how in some cases, it's sorta cool, but buttons just work. I find, while messing with smart phones, that often times I'll try to scroll thru stuff and end up hitting something I didn't want to. I also find that it scrolls either REALLY slowly or super friggin' fast. It's just a pain... The games on the phones suck. They usually suck at being phones anyway... it's like a pocket computer, which I thought would be a good idea for a long time, but the problem is the way it's implemented. Like, if they took a laptop and made it fit in your pocket, but they kept windows XP or some other familiar OS on it that you can literally do anything you want with, that would be awesome. But no, they turned it into this dumbed down crappy version where you just have a "desktop" littered with shortcuts to programs, and you're FORCED to use the touch screen. Screw smart phones. I refuse to get one.

And can someone please explain to me why the hell THIS THING EXISTS? ... 50x216.jpg

You have a cellphone, which is small so you can carry it around and whatnot, and then you get this stupid thing to attach to it??? Why not just make a rotary phone operate off of a car battery and a bigass antenna that you carry on your back? s**t, just use a walkie talkie from WW2.


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30 Sep 2012, 11:22 pm

I have a cell phone because my parents insist I have one. I'd rather not have it, honestly.

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01 Oct 2012, 3:49 am

pschristmas wrote:

Now, something I really hate -- and I mean with a passion -- is texting. Text messages are the most irritating things in the world. I find them horribly intrusive. I can ignore an inconvenient phone call until a better time, but I can't ignore my phone going off every minute or so with text messages. And there's never just one. My daughter (she's 24) tries to hold long conversations via text message, and it drives me batty. I can never go more than two rounds of texts without just calling to get the conversation over with. It takes five times longer to have the same conversation via text as it would if she'd just freaking call me to begin with.

Oh good. I thought I was the only one that hated texting. I'm actually the sort of person who is more comfortable talking on the phone than face to face because I don't have to process someone's body language or make eye contact. It seems like it's the opposite for many other aspies. Anyway, I hate texting because it's such an inefficient way of communicating. I can see the appeal if you really don't want to speak, but the sort of stuff you say in a text can be uttered in less that a few seconds, anyway - unless you're one of those people who holds real convos via text, in which case, I won't have the patience to text back, so expect me to ring you - much later - until you get the message that I don't do SMS.

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01 Oct 2012, 5:18 am

my parents made me get a phone. i would prefer not to have one. mine is the most low tech thing i could get(saying that implies i went out of my way to get it- its actually a hand me down). it can store about 5 crap quality photos. i cant operate those new things nor do i want to. they just seem useless wastes of space. my sister will be giving me her old phone and im worried about that because i have no idea how to use it even though it isnt as complex as a smart phone but i have to get it because my motorolla is carking it. like bits of it are falling off.