Starr wrote:
I've never been called awesome

But a few people have said 'I thought you were strange but you're really nice now I've got to know you'...never too sure how to take that really

Take it as a compliment! They are simply saying that you act a bit wierd, and they thought less of you than others, when they really should have thought more of you then others. The reference to others is implied because they even mentioned it, and said really nice.
As for me? Now that I think about it, some have called me awesome. Others, that have known me, come close. Ones that don't know me can vary greatly in their opinions. But who cares what THEY really think? I TRY to come off as a nice gregarious guy.(yeah, I know, I have to be a good actor). I try to say SOMETHING nice, etc... to whomever is helping me. As long as I don't have to follow through, I do ok.