SteveK wrote:
MelancholyBunny wrote:
SteveK wrote:
MelancholyBunny wrote:
Rory wrote:
333 is half the Number of the Beast!
Actually, 616 is the number of the beast, so 308 is half of it.
Doesn't have quite the same ring.
"This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. Its number is six hundred sixty-six." (Revelation 13:18)
Now WHAT should I believe? All the THOUSANDS of references I have seen in my life, the BIBLES, shows, internet, etc..... Or ONE vague reference made on ONE page on 6/6/6(June 6 2006, what a COINCIDENCE! ) that replaced a reference removed on 6/3/2006 that had the comment: "m (Removed 'Number of the Beast' talk, that has nothing to do with the year 616)"?
666 google references: 143,000
616 google references: 15,700(A couple I read seem to state 666 is correct)
HEY, Why don't I listen to ALL of it! It says 666 is the mark of the beast! 6/6/6(aka 666) was when a reference to the beast was made! 616 "has nothing to do with the number of the beast[talk]"!
So why did you make this reference?
Wow, someone needs to count to ten.
I used Wikipedia as a reference, though i usually tend to question it's information, as i could not find a reference for the program (QI) that i originally heard it on.
I am NOT stating that this is fact, i am MERELY pointing out that there are many different points of view.
Some people take what the Bible says as the literal truth, while others see it more as guidelines, yet more people liken it to Fairy Tales.
So, which should you believe? Does it even matter?
(Now you've made me angry and i fear i have said something nasty that i will regret, but i fail to see why you are being so, as i see it, aggressive.)