I have some difficulties surrounding this topic.
I am most comfortable alone. Being in the presence of other people makes me uncomfortable and nervous. I feel like my personal space is being invaded when I am in a room with others. I do not want to develop friendships or romantic relations. However, I have many fears and obsessive thoughts related to losing my independence and having to rely on others for help. My OCD consists of a series of fears about the reliability of household utilities and transportation. If any one of those things fails to work, I must rely on others to assist me in fixing the broken utility or allowing me to borrow their's (whether that be water, hot water, electricity, gas, refrigeration/food storage, transport, phone, internet access). I think that modern society is too fragile. So many things can break. It terrifies me. Because I need those things. If they break, i must then interact with people.
I think that it might be beneficial for me to get a pet animal of some kind. But I am concerned that the animal will only add another set of concerns of its safety and health in addition to my own.
Magnanimous wrote:
(Random trivia: When I was a teenager, my mother used to PAY me to go out and socialise... or at least she'd try. Most of the time I'd just decline the cash and go back to the Internet. Once or twice I consented when an inviting opportunity arose... and I tolerated the people around.)
Yes, my mother did that to me as well. Not money, though. Entertainment related bribes. "I will rent you a videogame if you bring a friend to the house to play it with." Things like that. It hurt, truth be told. She was tacitly implying that the way I interacted with people was wrong. It confused me. Made me feel bad. My mother made me feel bad about a lot of things I did when I was a child. She obviously knew something was wrong and decided the best way to "fix" it was to bully me into NT behaviour. I suppose it figures I didn't find out I was autistic until I went to see a doctor about suicidal depression last year.
...sorry. I didn't intend that to turn into a rant.