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22 Dec 2006, 10:25 pm

jimservo wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I already get easily depressed without alcohol.


The only alcohol that I ever liked was...I don't remember how to spell it, and the spell checker can't possibly pick it up.

It is pronounced like this: YING-LING.

But when I was at the appointment where they were doing my brain scan and they were talking about things that can give you brain damage and they mentioned alcohol. I don't think I will drink it anymore. I'm not trying to lecture people though. you talking about this stuff? good beer i like their amber


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22 Dec 2006, 10:36 pm

I don't enjoy the effects of alcohol. It makes me feel sick to my stomach and sleepy. Usually if you are drinking socially then others are drinking around you as well. Drunk people, I find, can be intimidating and unpredictable. I don't see myself drinking ever again.


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22 Dec 2006, 10:56 pm

I drink socially, but if I have too much and I just sit on the couch doing nothing and feeling depressed.



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23 Dec 2006, 1:44 am

Usually, if I'm mildly down and drink I will feel a little less depressed. However, some nights I've noticed that alcohol actually makes me depressed (emotionally), and the more I drink the worse it gets. I don't know what the deciding factor is but it does happen sometimes. Overall though, I can't say that I find the effects of alcohol anything great, even at their most euphoric moments (usually after drinking quickly rather than sip by sip).

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23 Dec 2006, 4:53 am

If I'm with a large group of friends that I haven't seen in a while and get drunk, I'm usually very excited and have a good time.

If I'm with some old friends, and there aren't that many off us, and we're in a quiet place, I tend to get very depressed and unhappy. I'm pretty sure they can all notice it, so I try and avoid drinking these days.


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24 Dec 2006, 12:52 pm

Now, I dont drink - I let other drunks insult me and try to make me depressed - Although, I wont actually let it work


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24 Dec 2006, 2:08 pm

I tend to get alot more social.
It doesn't really make me depressed.
It's more likely i wil become happy due to it.

It also tends to make me feel my true feelings inside.
Even though alot of them aren't accepted in society.


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24 Dec 2006, 3:57 pm

I cannot drink wine at dinner, because it makes me so sleepy.


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24 Dec 2006, 4:00 pm

I like alcohol a lot, I feel very relaxed when drunk.


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25 Dec 2006, 6:00 pm

I don't drink very often but when I do,I drink 64 or more ounces of beer and 8 ounces of vodka.

I feel like total crap for about 2 days.

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25 Dec 2006, 6:04 pm

Four pints of beer? You're a lightweight, mate. I wouldn't mix beer with vodka. I've done that and quickly wished that I hadn't.


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25 Dec 2006, 8:24 pm

Alcohol has never made me depressed many other things but not depressed usually it just makes me fall asleep.

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25 Dec 2006, 8:41 pm

It's funny you'd mention that. I don't feel particularly 'depressed' but I can say that just as of recently and only as of recently when I drink and if I'm on the computer and things are quiet around here - I seriously feel like just quitting whatever it is I'm doing and taking a nap. Used to be that it would just energize me and get me more into whatever it was that I was doing. This might just be a momentary or seasonal effect, I'd like to think so, but I'm not really sure.

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25 Dec 2006, 9:45 pm

I can't touch anything that contains alcohol. Maybe I could if I really tried, but I don't feel the need.


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25 Dec 2006, 9:51 pm

Alcohol is in my view a flavor enhancer like salt in food, So I only drink alcohol for the taste but I am fussy about the taste of beer and I prefer a good quality ale or pilsener like from James Squire or Cascade Premium Lager. But I hate the feeling of being drunk as my gross motor functions and speech arpraxia is already bad enough without doing that to myself.


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25 Dec 2006, 10:12 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
It's funny you'd mention that. I don't feel particularly 'depressed' but I can say that just as of recently and only as of recently when I drink and if I'm on the computer and things are quiet around here - I seriously feel like just quitting whatever it is I'm doing and taking a nap. Used to be that it would just energize me and get me more into whatever it was that I was doing. This might just be a momentary or seasonal effect, I'd like to think so, but I'm not really sure.

I drank a lot in college and almost always had a good time of it, very energized and loosened up but now that I am older and don't drink as much like I said it just makes me sleepy maybe I lost my tolerance for it

"Strange is your language and I have no decoder Why don't make your intentions clear..." Peter Gabriel