nonames wrote:
So I see that many are talking more about when they grew up. I've had similar problems. My coping is worse when I'm stressed, and I've given up on fitting in.
But I'm interested more in when people started to show symptoms. Where they always there, then got more noticeable? Did some happen first than others later?
I don't feel like any symptoms have appeared or disappeared - if anything I understand better now than ever how to interact with the world around me.
I'm more isolated now though and less able to make friends and expand my networks.
Anxiety is harder to deal with it seems as I get older.
Things seemed to be going best in my 30s - I had some good friends that understood me and suitable employment where I could work on my own a lot of the time.
So I'd have to say nothing much changes exept it feels like some things get harder to deal with like the anxiety and isolation.