I want some reparation payments. What about you?!
What about the rest of you what do you want?
Just why do you think that anyone owes you reparations? And just how much do you think those monthly checks should be? Please justify those figures.
Flamingshorts, I'm exactly where you are and have been where you were, but in life you play the best hand you can with the cards you're dealt, and any one is a potential winner. Yeah, it sucks that I was misdiagnosed and was prescribed medication I never needed and was hospitalized when I didn't have to be, but things are much better now and can continue to be so. What we experienced in our past can be used to improve the future (for instance, I'm publishing a book about my my life and experience).
"If you can't call someone else an idiot, then you are obviously not very good at what you do."
Last edited by dyingofpoetry on 17 Dec 2012, 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
What I want varies according to my mood. Sometimes I feel very aggrieved and want some kind of payback but at other times I don't care that much as I remember the Buddhist saying
'Life is Suffering', which is true - to expect to have no suffering in life is highly unrealistic. In this respect I don't feel any worse off than other people, whether they have Asperger's/Autism or not as we all suffer to some degree or another, as that's what being human entails.
Some more questions.
Who do you think owes you reparations?
The people who bullied you? What makes you think that they have much of anything to give?
The government? Why should the government owe you reparations? And since the money that they would have to pay you for reparations would ultimately come from taxes, why should the rest of us pay you anything when we didn't bully you at all?
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who want reparations are nothing more than idiots who feel they are entitled to be supported by someone else instead of working to make their own way.
The government is made up of the people, by the people and for the people. It is the people who owe me and I think alot of people on here a little something. Not enough to live off of though, just something that someone with AS can use to help someone with AS iprove the quality of their life. Say oh I don't know........$150.00 a month.
I can see that hardly anybody agrees with me so ok fine.
For people with our condition to quit blaming society for it.
And a bottle of good scotch from every one of the above who does.
Society owes me nothing. I may need help from society now and then, and blaming them for my troubles doesn't exactly go far in helping me get it. I may have needs now and then, but I certainly don't feel entitled to them or try to shame and guilt society into helping me with them.
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...

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Well, I want and expect nothing. This idea the "everyone owes you" is ridiculous and does nothing to advance oneself. If one feels "wronged," one should strive to prove others wrong or prove their superiority through hard work, courage and accomplishments, not through blaming society.
Reparations from who? I don't mean to be combative here, but this seems impractical at best.
My next statement comes from years of studying the behaviors of NTs and having several NT to aspie translators.
Honestly, while we were put upon, we all behaved in a manner that was different than those around us. We, through no fault of our own, brought it upon ourselves.
Further, studies have shown that ALL teens (this is a blanket statement that is not intended to be accurate) feel that there is bullying... even the popular ones. They all think that their life was one of the worst experiences growing up.
Honestly... in many instances our lives haven't been harder than those around us... We've had a harder time dealing with the same issues as they did. I do not feel reparations are in order because of something that is miswired in me makes it harder for me to deal with NT behavior.
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.

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Who do you think owes you reparations?
The people who bullied you? What makes you think that they have much of anything to give?
The government? Why should the government owe you reparations? And since the money that they would have to pay you for reparations would ultimately come from taxes, why should the rest of us pay you anything when we didn't bully you at all?
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who want reparations are nothing more than idiots who feel they are entitled to be supported by someone else instead of working to make their own way.
Well I suppose I will answer this question...
The people who have bullied me have typically been better off.....so I would assume they are probably better off financially still. I cannot assume that of everyone who's ever done that however. The government just fails at meeting the needs of its people, but they owe the majority of citizens reparations in my opinion.
I think people who think that are idiots who think they work harder than everyone else, and that life is as simple as working to make your own way......many people who aren't able to do that would like to. But opinions are like a**holes...From my perspective though I would certainly work to make my own way if I could get hired or keep a job without getting fired after a few weeks.
We won't go back.

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My next statement comes from years of studying the behaviors of NTs and having several NT to aspie translators.
Honestly, while we were put upon, we all behaved in a manner that was different than those around us. We, through no fault of our own, brought it upon ourselves.
Further, studies have shown that ALL teens (this is a blanket statement that is not intended to be accurate) feel that there is bullying... even the popular ones. They all think that their life was one of the worst experiences growing up.
Honestly... in many instances our lives haven't been harder than those around us... We've had a harder time dealing with the same issues as they did. I do not feel reparations are in order because of something that is miswired in me makes it harder for me to deal with NT behavior.
That is BS in my opinion, someone being different is no excuse to bully them the person doing the bullying is in the wrong....the person with AS or whatever other difference is not 'bringing it on themselves' that seems like blaming the victim than the perpetrator actually respsonsible for making the choice to bully someone just because they're different. Maybe that is something that the public school system should empathize, instead of half the time making such issues worse.
Also, I don't think you can really judge who here has has it worse, better or the same than the typical population. Most people are not consistently the outcast through various schools facing constant bullying or ostracism. I know this because lots of other kids had these things called friends or at least people to talk to. I suppose reperations aren't a perfect solution but I can certainly understand why one would feel entitled to something in return for all the crap. But maybe I am wrong and most kids are the outcast through various different schools in different states because that makes perfect sense.
We won't go back.
'Life is Suffering', which is true - to expect to have no suffering in life is highly unrealistic. In this respect I don't feel any worse off than other people, whether they have Asperger's/Autism or not as we all suffer to some degree or another, as that's what being human entails.
Same here, it changes with my mood. When I'm not coping well or am stressed or depressed about my differences, yeah, I can feel a little entitled. But it's true that life is suffering, for everyone. I can't think of anyone I have ever known that didn't have their share of troubles, whether brought on by their own differences or society's misunderstanding or negligence, or just the crap life deals out. It's how we face our troubles, our own attitudes, that makes all the difference. When I find myself in a funk, I do a lot of self talk, and it begins with the realization that I can't change anyone or anything but myself. What can I do to make it better? Not to destroy or lash out or hurt someone else, but to make life better, for me or for someone else. And I mean ME doing something constructive, not waiting around for someone else to.
It would be nice if my problems had been noticed and someone had known how to help when I was a little kid, and all through school and young adulthood. But the past is water under the bridge. What people don't know about AS or ASD is not their fault any more than me not knowing what it's like to grow up without sight or hearing or legs or as a black kid in the ghetto is my fault. To keep such resentment against people for simply not understanding isn't constructive and dwelling on it will just make you miserable.
Each person is responsible for their own happiness. If you're not happy, start working on that. Don't expect others to do it for you.
I'm all for people getting benefits if they're truly disabled, and it should be enough to actually live on without feeling as if one is in abject poverty, but to feel entitled to reparations is going too far. There are countless people in the world who could claim reparations for some slight or other in their lives, and if everyone got a payout for that the world would fall apart.
Last edited by BlueAbyss on 17 Dec 2012, 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
appl for ssi. I currently get 729.25 and it is being raised to 742 every month. I also get free horizon health insurance, as well as 181 dollars of food stamps(although im sure this will decrease since my ssi went up). Although to be fair it's because I cant hold a job for more than a day.
AQ 25
Your Aspie score: 101 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
That is my point. We cannot judge if they had it worse than we did... But I can tell you that having aspergers or being on the autistic spectrum isn't why some of us were ostracized.
Please go back and read my statements... I never stated that it was acceptable. Not once... I pointed out that according to studies, ALL teens feel they are bullied. I never commented on the acceptability of it. I simply stated that it is a fact. I am not sure why you feel I am condoning it, but unless I explicitly state that is the case, I assure you it is not.
My point is, we feel put upon, but so do the popular ones. According to the polls, all kids feel that they are receiving bullying and social pressure, no matter their strata...
Further... your point kind of proves mine. We cannot state that we had it worse than they did. We did not experience their lives, and therefor have no frame of reference.
That all being said... we are animals, primates. Differences in behavior are lashed out against instinctively by NTs. Many, many studies have been conducted on their need for conformity. By behaving differently, they see somethign wrong and their instincts tell them to do away with us. Every aspie I have ever interviewed (and for my current project, that's well over 800 and counting), stated that even if they had been aware of the social constructs and implied social responsibilities and contracts growing up, they still would not have conformed... EVEN KNOWING the instincts and reactions of the masses... As such, we do bring it upon ourselves...
Nowhere here, did I state we are to blame for the millions of years of instincts and social conditioning of the western world.
I am sorry that it was not clear
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.