I hate how people try and link criminal behavior to ASD. I wasn't happy when I heard Gary Mcannen(sp) got off without any sort of charges but this one is the worst. What Gary did was pretty harmless because no one was hurt. Heck even breaking into someone's home would be harmless just as long as no one is hurt but charges would still be pressed if the owner wishes to do that. But this pisses me off the most and I am sick of hearing about shooters having autism. Oh he was a loner, had no friends, he was quiet, he must have been autistic.
I have thrown cell phones, remote controls, hit, kicked, broken a picture frame, but I will never take a gun and start shooting people nor chase anyone with a knife.
I didn't read the article BTW and I assume they mean asocial. anti social is often misused by lot of people, even my husband uses that word and I have to correct him.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.