Loborojo wrote:
OK, that is set then...The question arises then is: how much can you tolerate of your own noise. Music on your I-pod...if it is you who decided to put up with decibels or are we discriminate from where the noise emanates, originates, when and where. Like to blank out noise I have to here, in the inn, put my music full volume in my speakers or earphones. But it alos irritates me like today, when in a juice shop the radio was on with a reporter only talking and talking,no music. I hated that, so I put my earphones in and cranked up teh volume, and I could still hear teh reporter through it, that irritated me so much that I always ask, but didn't do it this time- I jkust finnished my drink and left-i f they can turn the volume down.
For me it's definitely other peoples noise that I find distressing.
It's like with babies - people try to protect them from unexpected noises so they wont cry - they haven;t developed the filters yet to cope with it. I think maybe I never developed the filter. Or something like that.