wtf have u all gt against nt's
There is no such thing as an "NT", just like averages do not exist IRL.
IMO anyone who does not have some sort of hang-up, problem or disorder is not typical.
PS - I am self Dx. I know a couple of people who I think are prime candidates for AS and I prefer not being around them. IRL I like socially outgoing people, because I can't do it without help. Stuck with other aspie-like people is usually more uncomfortable.
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
Last edited by BazzaMcKenzie on 27 Dec 2006, 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sounds like a statement that has no factual basis.
Also this site is for ADHD also (read the first page). People with ADHD often have major social skills problems that mirrors ASD.
I'm surprised you act that way. Someone here said "all nts must die". People, including me, said he was NUTS, etc.... We just don't like how NTs act. I can echo what everyone else here has said so far, except lkonantz. NONE was unfair to NTs.
This is true and I was happy to see so many members of the board try to handle the matter in a rational matter. On the other hand, sometimes the difficulties that those of us on the spectrum have with NTs came come across as NT bashing. When someone mentions a tough time they have had with people, responses will occasionally reflectively label those as NTs even if the behavior was definitely not NT exclusive (as if it were a derogative). This is inappropriate because Aspies too can be nasty and conniving just like non-Aspies.
In case you haven't noticed many of the people on here are self diagnosed and may indeed have various mental disorders or emotional problems and not AS. AS is just becoming a very popular thing to say one has if they have difficulty with other humans.
Just so you know, I AM kind of addicted to this forum. Oh well, it got me off another, and I can maybe wean myself off of this one.
I am one of the self diagnosed ones. MAN do I fit. I fit SO well that when many here complain of problems they have, or talk of quirks, or write books about it, I can honestly say I am the same way. BTW my self-diagnosis and theirs fits the definition of AS, and THEY are often diagnosed by a doctor. I once went to a doctor in the 70s about the social problems. Nothing really came of it. It was expensive, and they wanted to see me again. I wish they knew about AS THEN! They would have suspected based on IQ, demeaner, and social problems, and started asking pointed questions. I could just see it now! Do lights bother you? YES... Alarms? YES... Certain Frequencies? YES... Was he speaking sentences well by 2? YES... It would have been open and shut! Oh well, I went there about 25 years too early. 8-(
If I had the time, and a good reason to check it out, and a good doctor to be referred to, I would go and get a diagnosis. Frankly though, I don't see what the point is. I DO have the rocking and leg bouncing, extreme interests, verbal development by 2, sensory skewing, social problems, etc... Oddly enough, the social problems WERE interesting, but the talk of the sensory problems was more interesting. And that can't be faked(It's history). I remember complaining about that in the 60s!
I fail to see why anyone would want to be classified as AS if they clearly weren't. As far as I can see, there are only 3 benefits. Talents the person has, knowing they are not alone, and the camaraderie of the others like here!
BTW over 1/2 my posts here have been positive, and I haven't baited.
It would be interesting to see what you are talking about with AS relationships, etc... When my interests were at their most extreme, I still found time to do other things. I guess it can be hard for some to find something mutually interesting where there can be give and take, but I guess that is true everywhere. And HEY, I have had LOTS of interests, and on most of them I CAN sound like a professor.
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Most of us on WP have had traumatic and horrific experiences with others, NT or not. I hope, in my own experiences, that I have not come to hate any group of people. But I admit that I have become bitter and wary towards people who appear to be NT. What would the world be like if there were nothing but NT people? Or nothing but people on the AS spectrum? I'm willing to bet it would be a lot worse than it is now. We have all heard of people who are famous for contributing to mankind's progress and growth through inventions and art, who are now suspected of being on the spectrum. Concordantly, there are many people who are NT who have contributed significant gifts to mankind. We all have something to offer, and it's a waste of time and energy to hate any group of people, since we can never know if we are right about them, one hundred percent. I know that the kids that tormented and assaulted me have probably grown up to end in jail or other unhappy circumstances, whereas I am all the stronger for those experiences. We can work with our strengths, be gentle with our weaknesses, and try to learn from our bad experiences; even if its not to treat anyone the way we've been treated.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner
My mother is an NT, and so is my father. Most of my friends are NT's and my sister is too. They are good people and should be proud to call themselves Nerotypical. I have met NT's that are rude, that have torn me down and have treated me terribly because of who I am. Not all NT's are bad, not all Aspys are saints. I think it's true, we see the worst side of Nerotypicals and attract the bad ones, but I resent that you should accuse us of hating them all. Granted, I think we've all been hurt by NT's before and so there is some hostility.
First off, I think AS is only "popular" as a diagnosis for children because it guarantees a ton of money from the school system for special ed interventions. As far as it being a popular diagnosis for adults... uhm... if this is the case, I must be very out of the loop.
Second off, I hereby lobby for a forum for the self-diagnosed, so we can stop being picked on and oppressed!


This is a forum for the self diagnosed. The majority of people here are self diagnosed according to what most have said. Alex doesn't ban the self diagnosed and since its Internet even if he did there's no way of enforcing it. We all are just taking everyone else at their word.
At the last open meeting our local group had for the public there were plenty of self diagnosing who didn't seem anywhere close to the spectrum. I also base this on real people I know, like at work, that are telling everyone they have AS when they are as far from it as can be. I see this in OTHER online places, non-autism places and people will post that have Aspergers any time they have problems getting along with others for example. It's just that AS is getting to be known as the geek's disorder and not every smart, nerdy, geeky person is on the spectrum. With the younger set though yeah I think school systems and parents try to get the diagnosis for money.
Last edited by Ticker on 28 Dec 2006, 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Probably everyone here has been hurt by other people in the world. You just can't go blaming NT's for your pain. First of all if you were bullied in school more than likely that bully that bothered you had some behavorial or mental problem or was being abused at home by family member or bullied by an older sibling or neighbor. I remember on NPR radio they said this really high percentage of bullies had been bullied themselves. So your schoolyard bully may be far from being an NT so how can you rightfully blame NT's?
I keep forgetting alot of people on here are younger than I. Folks you just have to get past this victim mentality of the whole world is against you. As long as you accept the role of the victim life will not change for you. School bullying is TERRIBLE. Unfortunately it seems a rite of passage for people on the spectrum (along with people who are different races and religions). You got to get past the bullying and realize as you get older you will get bullied less and less. You also need to look at what causes you to get bullied and maybe change some of it. Change the way your walk, dress, learn to do some eye contact, learn to smile and learn to hold your head up and you will look more confident and be less of a target for bullies. The world is survival of the fittest. You can learn to be stronger and still have AS.
You can't blame any one group of people for your difficulties. There's a bad apple in every group; there's also good apples in every group. Do you realize how foolish it is to say all NTs are horrid people when your own parents are probably NT's. Do they not feed & clothe you? Aren't they the ones that bought the computer that you are using to post messages to this board from? Talk about biting the hand that feeds. Think about it.
Last edited by Ticker on 28 Dec 2006, 2:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
I am here because I am a diagnosed Asperger and also have PDD. I am here because this is a place for Aspergers people to socialize. I do have a number of problems functioning in society and never said I didn't. Look, just because I have a high IQ and do get out in the world a bit doesn't mean I don't have difficulties. I am proud that I have even come this far because I had a rough start in life. I am a DES baby and lost my twin brother most likely due to the DES deformities, nearly died myself at 6 months old and had a serious head injury at 9 months old. Actually I have had 4 head injuries in my life so its a surprise I can even still communicate. I just don't like to take the oh woe is me stance and think just because I have Aspergers that I can't do things or that I always have to be the victim and all NT's are bad.
Panik, how old are you? And why are you here?
I think "NT" is really quite an arbitary term. If we take into account all the people with various psychological conditions, ie OCD, and even depression we really have a lot of non-NTs there.
For me it isn't about being neurotypically wired or not. It's just that it's more likely to be the case that if you've always floated about in the mainstream with ease, it's more likely you'll take for granted that everyone functions the same way, or should.
Having said that, I know an entire family of dyslexics who are extremely intolerant of anyone who isn't good at the things they're good at, does things a different way or thinks a different way and assumes anyone who does any of the above are lazy or have character flaws.
I've always tended to get along very well with the more eccentric Asperger candidate types. Some Aspies just annoy me though. My friends brother has Aspergers and constantly hangs around her and her friends and is most of the time unwanted. No matter what you say he just wont get it. I am more tolerant of him than everyone else but after a while it starts to bug me too.
I am very social by nature and love company. While NTs often picked on me through school I have since put alot of effort into learning the social "norms" as to not be a target of bullying. I now have a large network of friends and love to socialize and party. I know I am considered eccentric, quirky, occassionally inappropriate and "in my own world" but my neurotypical friends think it is entertaining. I don't hate all NTs, as there are good people and bad people everywhere and you can't paint a whole category with the same brush.

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