Dear_one wrote:
How official does a diagnosis have to be? AS is the only thing that comes close to making sense of my life, and my counsellor agrees, but does not have a PhD.
If a healthcare professional has given you the exhaustive test, and concludes you have aspergers/autism then its official.
If you and your mom just deduce that you 'must have it' then you are "self diagnosed", and it is not official.
I admit that there is an in between status. I was self dxd. My mom and sis suggested to the shrink I was seeing that maybe I had aspergers. The lady shrink responded that she had "never heard of aspergers before" even though this was a decade after aspergers was recognized by the DSM. So she read up on it over night. And then signed some piece of paper saying that I had it. But a couple of years later
I had the actual battery of tests done. So that lady shrink who just declared that I had it really was not "official", but you could argue that it was a cut above just being "self diagnosed". So it sounds like you're in a similar in between state that I was in at that point. Not really official, but not just self diagnosed.
How long should a typical assesment take or does it vary and does that affect accuracy