"Hiding in Plain Sight" is what it amounts to for me. I don't try to hide my self or my behavior; I just don't advertise why I behave the way I do.
Right now, there are people who think that I'm eccentric, a little odd, or just plain weird. Informing them of my diagnosis, what it means, and how it feels would likely result in them considering me as mentally ill, with the greater potential to harm others than "normal" people.
I saw what they did to Uncle Cresset. He had what they used to call "Battle Fatigue" and "Shell Shock", so they stuck him in a "home" where he was medicated into a stupor. When he was allowed to visit, he was parked in a corner and ignored by the others. The few times anyone was allowed to speak with him, he would tell stories of WWII in Europe and what he experienced there. His was talking history, yet most people ignored him and treated him like a thing just because he wasn't "all there".
Today we'd call his condition "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder", and he would receive counseling and therapy for his condition.
He had a lovely funeral, though. People talked about his valor, his bravery, and how some people wouldn't have survived the war without his actions. The American Legion sent over some old-timers that I had never seen before to tell of their personal experiences with their "best buddy" Cress. Everybody had something nice to say about him; but these were the same people who avoided him while he was still alive.
No one made any mention of his "condition".
I don't want to end up like Uncle Cresset. I'm keeping my "condition" secret for as long as possible.