Unseen wrote:
Cinnamon wrote:
Why would you want to do that? Dogs and babies have nothing to do with this do they?
nessa238 wrote:
I tend to agree
You are just reinforcing the prejudice of that website
It is a hyperbolic metaphor. No one actually intends to punch babies (fortunately)
And I'm sure NT people would never assume that anyone here really wants to punch babies.
Unfortunately, plenty of people in the UK
do punch and murder babies - it's very common.
Often it's stepfathers who do it - the new boyfriends of women too weak to see that their baby's safety is more important
than having a partner!
So that baby-punching image might as well be the chav logo - enough of them end up doing it!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... rying.html
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -life.html
http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2009/ ... stepfather
This is the delightfulness of the UK in all it's glory!
So much for f-king pride in our country when sickening crimes like this are so commonplace!
And they have the nerve to say people with Aspergers/Autism are the ones with the problem!
Remember all this s**t the next time an NT acts all superior! Ask them how good they are at looking after their own children!