windtreeman wrote:
I've only told a handful of people. The people close to my age who have found out are pretty resistant to the idea, for whatever reason. Like the OP said, their first reaction is that it's not possible and I seem fine, which is an unbearably hypocritical statement from people who have specifically pointed out how strangely I act (not necessarily in a negative manner, more, bemused). With older people, it's been easier and they generally have more respect for the psychologist's opinion and the assessment's validity. The overwhelming vibe I've gotten so far, though, is to try and keep it to myself unless it serves a specific purpose. I have a lot of respect for people who are like 'screw it, I'll tell whoever, whenever!' but I feel too uncomfortable, I guess.
That's exactly what I think. I've been very open about it, and I tell whoever asks and is curious... but thanks to this experiment, I've actually noticed a difference. I kind of feel ashamed for telling people, but I guess I'll get over it. Just sucks sometimes; I like being open and talking about it, but I don't like being treated badly by telling people.