How were you bullied?
Again, I was just teased and isolated, and I don't consider those as bullying.
I was mostly teased and isolated by girls. Also by some boys, but mostly by girls.
The difference is just that, while boys can tell at your face what they think of you, girls are coward and will probably laugh at your back.
This is what happened to me, at least.
Silly girls. They thought I couldn't hear them. People should talk with a lower tone, if they didn't want me to hear them.
They left out being a boy being bullied by both boys and girls!
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
You are very likely an aspie
No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
Well, I have been bullied in college, trade school, high school and work.
My former job: My boss would not let me use disability as an excuse. As times became tough, he would me to higher expectations than his other employee. One day while retraining, he laughed when I lasted only 20min by his method which included getting in my face and talking like a drill seargant.
One day I went to the bathroom at my first job and noticed someone trying to jimmie the door open with a hanger. He succeeded and laughed saying it was a joke. Another employee got me to eat a jabenero pepper and laughed when it exploded in my mouth. One manager who got fired for other stuff commented kept teasing me about tossed salads.
Trade School: The instructor asked my room mate if he really had to room with me and when he responded yeah, he made a comment about how he wouldn't room with me if he someone paid himt to do it.
College: People would shoot spitballs at me in class and make fun of my disability. Also, people would say nobody liked me and why. They would bully me and not expect me to do anything. I eventually went to the dean and security of the school and said if no one would anything, I would.
High School: People made of fun me for liking school busses. People also hid my folders and one times put my back pack in the toliet. In addition, they would try to get me in arguements at school and on the bus. One day I got so mad, I threatened to beat a kid up because the bus driver would not do anything. They had to shorten the route so I would not get bullied..
I got constantly bullied at school and the effects stayed with me for the past 20 years. I went to my school reunion at the weekend, I had to go and get some answers.
They actually apologised!! !
That's it, I've finally drawn a line under it and it stays where it was in the past.
I remembered one in particular (which I'd rather forget, but can't...) I was 12 years old, in Grade 7, and this one girl asked if I could carry her books - I said yes, then three of these scummy guys said "here, carry mine too! and mine!!' and dumped them all between my hands so I collapsed under the weight, then they stood there laughing at me. I can't remember if they demanded that I pick their books up, but if so I would have been more than compelled to tell them to f*&$g pick it up themselves and walk away.
2. I was forced off my homemade bike (or truck as the kids called it) by some thug on the street who just bashed it against a tree. Waste of time. It was close to broken anyway.
3. This guy took my boots off my feet - in the snow, no less! - and just threw them across the street. He didn't even want them.
4. This guy pushed into my apartment because he was a crack fiend looking for stuff. Scratched me up but that was it.
5. Generally, I was told to move aside, speak better English or give up my seat on the school bus. I started walking the 3 1/2 miles to my home every day anyway. Good exercise.
If you in high school in my district, 1, 2, & 3 would lead to suspensions.
In the city of Phoenix 4 is a felony.
Your special education department was incompetent due to issue number 5.
My website about autism, perception, and the mind:
My son has autism.
constantly called a witch and had my surname made fun of, being made fun of for being crap at PE.
High School:
hit in the back with a hockey stick, physically attacked from behind on the stairs, physically attacked as I entered the changing rooms, jeered at on the way home by a group, sarcastic comments made to me, not being picked for teams (or deliberately picked last), being hated by the 'in' crowd.
That behavior is criminal. The cops would haul those assh***s off to jail in my district. As a parent, I would file a civil lawsuit against the district and students who committed aggravated assault.
My website about autism, perception, and the mind:
My son has autism.
My stupidity. I should have included more options.
My website about autism, perception, and the mind:
My son has autism.
1) At 12 years old, a group of three bullies told me while we were waiting outside of class to go look in the closet because they found some sort of treasure there (think it was a backpack full of money, they said). I instantly caught on and told then no, forget it. Despite that, they grabbed me and said, no, take a look, and shoved me in whereupon they closed the door, holding it shut and laughing. I pounded on the door but it was no use so I gave up and felt like crying. The teacher showed up for the class, at which point I came out and the bullies asked "Jayo, what are you doing in there?" make it look like I chose to hide in there.
2) In gym class, had my clothes snatched from me by two bullies who played "catch" with it, with me in the middle, then they threw it in the toilet.
3) While walking down the hallway carrying books, some bully that I didn't know kicked them from behind, and laughed as I stopped to pick them up. Not 10 seconds after I'd finished, another guy came over and did the same thing.
4) In wood shop class, my project so far disappeared twice - not just a coincidence, I had a pretty good idea of who secretly trashed it.
5) Some girl sitting behind me kept jabbing me with pencils (she was really butch-like, had the mean ugly look and looked boyish...)
It certainly was hell, I hope they repent for their actions if there is a hell in the afterlife.
I remember a teacher with lots of balls who got mad at a group of kids who picked on an Aspie. He cussed them out with words like m****** f******. He promissed to hunt down the bullies and make their lives a living hell. He said that he and a couple of very strong coaches would handle the situation with the bullies man to man if things did not stop.
My website about autism, perception, and the mind:
My son has autism.
College: People would shoot spitballs at me in class and make fun of my disability. Also, people would say nobody liked me and why. They would bully me and not expect me to do anything. I eventually went to the dean and security of the school and said if no one would anything, I would.
The spit wads in college constitutes assault and battery with a weapon.
My website about autism, perception, and the mind:
My son has autism.
Back when this happened to me the police basically said it was a school problem and the school said there was little they could do. Of course, even if they were to be arrested this is Canada where kids can literally get away with murder and they would just enact major revenge if the law got involved. Of course, the biggest bullies father was *surprise* a cop. They did far worse things that what I've publicly said, far worse than a simple two handed hockey slash: they used to do that regularly baseball style to the back of my legs right in front of the teacher. I was literally covered from head to toe in bruises some days. Oh, and on this subject, I had a girl take a metalworking brush and slice my arm wide open with it. To be fair, I think she felt bad but *gasp* never apologized.
There was a news event here recently where an elementary aged kid was getting physically attacked daily by a gang of 5 kids. The schools solutions? Allow the kid to leave 5 minutes early. I swear I'm NOT making this up! Luckily I know the new principal this school has personally and he will NOT put up with ANY crap whatsoever.
I was in a similar situation except with more students and in middle school, and they came up with the same "solution" for me. Obviously did not help the situation. So this in not just a Canada thing.
In elementary school there was a group of literally 8-10 people who would hide along the walkway I used to walk home. When I passed one of them they would jump out and try and catch me to beat me up. When I would run I would eventually run past another one who would jump out and try and beat me up.
There was a separate group of people who used to call me fat and call me crazy. That particular group did this throughout elementary, middle school, and high school. That group called me fat and crazy almost every single day. One of them said would sometimes say that it was good that my name rhymed with a bodily characteristic that described me.
When I was in elementary school, there was this guy who told me his name was "Jehosephat". He told me all kinds of things and acted like he was my friend, and then one day after a few weeks he said something like "You actually believed all of those things I was telling you? You're so stupid." There were two others who did something almost exactly the same. One of them told me a lot of things about people he knew and his family, but he used names of people who I now know are celebrities. He eventually told the truth and apologized, but his friend continued to do that, until one day I went to his house and he had all of his friends waiting for me and they ran after me and tried to beat me up.
When I was in middle school there were three girls who would call me horrible names whenever they saw me, but I had never actually met them. One time one of them ran up to me and hit me very hard in the eye.
There was someone else in middle school who would chase me home every day to try to beat me up.
There was another group of people in middle school who pretended to be my friends for a short period of time, but they were all telling each other very mean things about me and I didn't know it.
In high school, every day one group of people would called me a name that was so bad that I'm not going to repeat it. Then they made up a shortened version of it that was even worse.
In high school, there was a group of people who knew that I wouldn't talk to many people, so they told this very pretty girl that I wanted to talk to her. She came over to my table, but I just basically stopped functioning. That same group of people drove their car past me when I was walking home, and they hit me with eggs. They would laugh at me throughout this class. It was a series of classes, so this group did this for four semesters.
There were some instances where people would steal my things or play "keep away" with them.
I never really thought I had been bullied much when I was a kid, pretty much because I just tried to ignore it, but looking back now I realize I had been more often than I would have liked to admit. I don’t remember ever telling anyone about it, not even my parents.
- When I was in second grade a kid on a teeter totter who thought it would be fun to jump off so I would land hard. Ended up losing my balance as I fell and landed on my arm breaking it.
- I don’t remember much after switching to a Catholic school. Kids would play keep away with things like my hat and call me names. I remember one kid who really wanted to fight me and started throwing punches. I didn’t want to fight. The funny thing was that he was much smaller than me, so perhaps I seemed like an easy target for him somehow; unfortunately for him I was big enough to grapple him and ended up restraining him face down on the ground with his arm twisted behind him until a teacher came who had apparently seen the whole thing, so the little guy lost twice.
- I remember another smaller and younger kid in my neighborhood also wanting to fight me and his much older sister was trying to promote the fight. I kept backing down and she kept asking me sexual based questions and making fun of the fact I was ignorant about sex.
- In high school I was eventually able to avoid other kids much more effectively, especially after I turned 16 and could drive myself to and from school. I had been bullied on the bus often, but it was usually by name-calling and unfortunately I couldn’t do anything about that since I couldn’t retaliate effectively, so I tried to ignore the best I could. I remember writing a note about it to the bus driver but I don’t remember anything coming out of it.
- Now if anyone ever touched me first, then I could do something about it. One time ANOTHER smaller kid thought it would be funny to stick an empty chip bag down my back. Suffice it to say he tasted dust as I held him down on the ground. Unfortunately that time the school thought I was in the wrong because he hadn’t actually touched me or assaulted me as the principle said. I disagreed and refused to budge. A chip bag and crumbs down my back unexpectedly feels worse to me than someone punching me. Anyways I was suspended for several days (not really a punishment in my eyes), while the kid was just told to apologize.
Self-diagnosed AS following psychiatrist's initial assessment. AQ 39/50; EQ 23/60; Aspie 150/200 NT 56/200.
Never really bullied
I think because I was a loner, always had a very serious demeanour, walked around school with headphones on, hung out in the library and computer rooms, went home straight after school, studied alone, did everything alone. Any incident that did happen was a isolated incident and merely cause and effect.
I usually only had 1 friend at a time and my relationships with them were often close. My best friends were usually well tolerated so I did not have to do any work socially and just lived through them. I did not associate with people or groups who were bullied as I did not want any unneeded attention. I was effectively a ghost.