Anyone ever get back at their bullies?

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11 Feb 2013, 6:01 am

I punched a bully in the face once, but I lost the fight. I ended up getting severely beaten. The guy threw a chair at a girl's forehead at the end of that year and was expelled. A few years later, he threw a rock at a restaurant, and was arrested for two days. His father bailed him out.

Another bully was accused of stealing car pieces. The guy said he was a crooked mechanic and posted it on a forum. This is Panama, a small country, so news and rumors travel fast, and I remember I replied and said that was his typical modus operandi.

I have been a pushover most of my life, unfortunately.

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11 Feb 2013, 6:41 am

that guy's father likely was a bully himself who enabled his son to continue to get away with it. but one day the kid will go too far and pick on the wrong person.


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11 Feb 2013, 8:00 am

My husband was regularly bashed and robbed by 3 adult chinese thugs when he was a kid living on the streets of Singapore. When he grew up, he joined the army, then found them and bashed the crap out of them, Broke all of their arms and legs. I feel no sympathy for them, after what they did to a defenseless kid.

Then last week, a big thug at his job who had bullied everyone, came up and grabbed him by the throat, and then picked him up by it, just because someone else said to him that he'd better not mess with my husband. My husband had had absolutely no interaction with the bully before. Lucky for him, my husband is not dangerous when only one person attacks him because he can keep control and take care of it without raising a sweat. He was able to make his point and the bully is now quiet and good as gold.

Me? When I was in grade 7, there was a German boy new in our class. The boys were so horrible to him, taking his bag outside, and all the other stupid things they do, just because he was so clean cut and had an accent. Then in grade 8, he had to sit next to me in class, and I glared at him and very nastily said "pretend there is a wall between us and keep away from me!"
I was so afraid of being ostracized by associating with the poor kid (I had zero self confidence). To this day, I deeply regret being such a loser. I even dream about it, where I'd randomly come across him say, on a bus, and I would try to apologize, but he wouldn't even remember me. Probably wouldn't either, in real life. But I still would give anything to go back and at least not add to his pain, if I was not able to show a little kindness.
I hope he is out there somewhere, happy, successful, with a beautiful wife and kids who adore him. His name was Alexander!


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11 Feb 2013, 8:11 am

Technically, I always did back in the past. Just got in trouble for it.

(Doesn't make it feel any better that you respond in kind though.)


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11 Feb 2013, 8:14 am

No but I'm very happy to see that illegal drugs are having an affect on some of them. Have to admit it's satisfying knowing they are aging prematurely and ruining their bodies: I just wish I did it when I had the chance instead of being too nice. I have to admit seeing some married with kids is depressing and I would be very happy to see someone hit them with a lead pipe at random so they know what it feels like.


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11 Feb 2013, 8:16 am

danion brinkley says each and every one of those bullies will have a reckoning with the ultimate bully.


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11 Feb 2013, 8:36 am

Why on earth would I stoop to their level?

Seriously. That never made any sense to me whatsoever. I find the behavior morally abhorrent to begin with and while tit-for-tat can be made to look like self-preservation or self-protection, it is really just continuing the cycle.

That's why it doesn't feel good to do it.

You survive. You carry on. You succeed in spite of it all. Because when you do that, you thwart them in their goal.

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11 Feb 2013, 8:53 am

InThisTogether wrote:
Why on earth would I stoop to their level?

Seriously. That never made any sense to me whatsoever. I find the behavior morally abhorrent to begin with and while tit-for-tat can be made to look like self-preservation or self-protection, it is really just continuing the cycle.

That's why it doesn't feel good to do it.

Because sadly thats the only way to stop bullying before it gets out of hand. I don't like violence either but looking back it would have been better to get a suspension or expulsion over the years of resentment and mental torture I had to endure because of these acts. In an ideal world it would be nice to say violence begets violence but some people can't be reasoned with and responding in kind is the only way to stop them. If I punched the first bully back like my brother did, I would have been left alone and saved years and years of bullying and the resulting suicidal thoughts.

It's easy to say don't stoop to their level if you haven't experienced the horrendous acts I did. I can't even post many of them here because of the graphic detail and how painful the memories are. I was given this advice by 'experts' over and over and guess what? It doesn't work because they will forcefully drag you down to their level whether or like it or not.


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11 Feb 2013, 8:57 am

I'm not really referring to physical acts of violence when part of bullying. If anyone would have ever done that, I would have beat the crap out of them. That is self-defense. But other things like squirting urine in someone's locker? I just don't get that. It is one-in-the-same as the bullying to me.

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11 Feb 2013, 12:50 pm

Back in the day when i was in school before you would get arrested for fighting and police dragged you in, we had it easier and i would duke it out with various different bullies different years of school.
This usually always worked and they learned not to bother me.

It would have to take something severe though to get me pissed off, for example spitting on me then i'd get in a fistfight and if there was more than one, i'd nail the second one in the head with a tennis racket.
That was on the bus. Our bus driver was awesome. Poor guy had a load of kids, way too many for one person to control or even try to.
Yet he was a nice man and i was always respectful to him, i think he felt bad about me getting made fun of.
I never got in trouble at all for that.

Another time in HS there was a known bully who would make fun of a ton of people, he started saying racist remarks and i went off and hit him in the head with a chair. I wouldn't have gotten in trouble yet i hit him a second round with the chair again so of course that led to an suspension for a day no big deal.

One they realize you will stay up for yourself, they will move on to other targets that's how they seem to do.


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11 Feb 2013, 12:55 pm

Chloe33 wrote:
One they realize you will stay up for yourself, they will move on to other targets that's how they seem to do.

ok, how would you handle a carload of yahoos that kept stopping you from walking forward by veering in front of you?


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11 Feb 2013, 1:29 pm

Patience ... enemies will eventually trip themselves up, all on their own.

A former co-worker kept taking credit for my efforts, knowing at the time that I was too intimidated to stand up for myself. There was to be a catered luncheon at work. When the caterers arrived four hours before the main conference room could be made ready, I suggested that they store the food in the computer room, since it was the coldest place in the building - about 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

The co-worker immediately took charge and ordered the food stored in his office ... which happened to face south ... on a hot, summer day ... and where the co-worker locked the door so that no one could sneak a sample. Then he told me that I was to "stand watch" in Receiving just in case an important shipment arrived.

When the luncheon was finally served, one or two people noted that the flavor was a little off. Within a few hours, some of the people had gone to their doctors for vomiting and diarrhea. The next day, most of the folks who had attended the luncheon had called in sick, and some were out for the rest of the week.

Poor me ... I had been forgotten. No one brought me anything to eat ( :( ), so I missed out entirely on the festivities ( :cry: ).

The co-worker was found to be entirely at fault, and I was "volunteered" to carry his personal effects to the parking lot, and I whistled happily all the way ... a tune called "If I Only Had A Brain".

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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11 Feb 2013, 1:36 pm

Class. What a great story.

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11 Feb 2013, 1:46 pm

LupaLuna wrote:
cathylynn wrote:
you're a bully, too, just a sneaky one.

How does that make me a bully? I am only defending myself.

If I understood your actions correctly, you didn't defend yourself, you fought one injustice with another. What's the point of pissing on someone's clothes secretly? He's not even going to know you did it, and the fact that it didn't stop the bullying should show you that the whole thing was pointless. I stood up to bullying twice in my time by physically fighting back while being assaulted, and it ended the bullying for good. Standing up for yourself is something the bully has to witness so he knows he cannot has his or her ways with you anymore. There's still people out there just waiting to get a chance to take a cheap shot at you, whether literally or metaphorically. If I ever get the slightest notion that someone I deal with tries and probes his chances on how to get the best of me, I usually make a pre-emptive strike and call them out on their behaviour for everyone to see and hear. This is one of the reasons I tend to get rather fierce about cyber-bullying that is geared towards me, because I KNOW that this person wouldn't even dare thinking about it when I stood in front of them - and yes, I do take some pride in the fact that I attribute this to me looking as if I could rip them apart with little effort. Don't get me wrong, I am not running around intimidating people or threatening them, but I do make it clear from the very first moment someone meets me that messing with me would turn out rather unfavourably for them.

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11 Feb 2013, 2:12 pm

LupaLuna wrote:
Since there where two topics started about bullying. I like to know if some of you have ever done any "creative" things to get back or get even with your enemies at school?

No, I’ve never gotten even with anyone.
I used one day dream to get even when I was 10, because there was one boy who had scared me by throwing a large rock at me, so I used a wild day dream to off him. (It involved superpowers and lava lol). That’s the only time I spent private time thinking of them.

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
Whenever someone bullied me, I was always literally fight or flight. I have no finesse, I guess.

Me neither. I could retreat into myself, shout or fight, but I never knew how to get even in any good way. I was and am unable to come up with good retorts. I’m sort of glad I never did have a smart alec mouth though, because that might just have gotten me beaten up more. There was enough physical bullying as it was, and that was always the worst type for me, frightening.

matt wrote:
when I was away from them I didn't spend my time focusing on them. If I had it would be like they were hurting me even more than they had by making me waste my time.

I was the same in school. Once I left school, from first grade throughout high school, once I was out of the building all thoughts of school left my mind as I went home to my real life.
For years after I'd revisit those memories though.

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11 Feb 2013, 2:43 pm

I teased them, chased them on the playground, give them my germs, even tell one of my brother's friends who bullied me that my germs are everywhere and he would run our of my house and run all the way home. One of my best friends and I would bug each other in school so my mother requested she didn't want me and her in the same class again. She was mean to me at school but nice to me at home because she would come over and play and wasn't mean to me then. It was a weird friendship we had. She told me we don't like each other at school but at home we do and she told me we are not friends there, only when we are at my house.

There was a boy I had in my class when I was six and he may have had ODD because he was a pathological liar and liked getting other kids into trouble and he liked hurting other kids and he had a temper. He once went to the office for throwing chairs and was there all day long. but I didn't like him because he was bad and now I see him as a bully. Bully didn't exist in my vocabulary then. But at age seven I got him into trouble and the teacher didn't believe him when he said it was me. He got me into trouble a few times when I was six so at age seven it was paypack even though it was unplanned. I was going back to class and the boy happened to be walking behind me and we are walking by this long portable. We go by the classroom door and I open it a little and close it and open it and close it and run back in my spot and keep on heading to my classroom. The teacher opens her door and does "Excuse me, Russell" and he goes "it was her, not me" but she still calls for him to come. I just kept on walking letting him take the blame. I didn't want to get in trouble so I let him take the blame. Years later I realized he deserved it, it was paypack I gave him, no need to feel bad for what I did.

In 5th grade Mom told me to tell one of my bullies (my brother's old friend) to look stupid up in the dictionary or ugly when he calls me those words and say it has a picture of him. It's called a comeback. Also the fact when my old best friend told me in 6th grade she didn't like me so she will now be making my life miserable, mom told me what to say to her so I go back the next day and tell her I am so glad she doesn't like me because it means she won't call me, talk to me, come over to play, I am so glad she doesn't like me, thank you. They never bothered me again. In math class I told her the time we peed in my playhouse and she denied it and there I was trying to get her to remember by trying to refresh her memory. In high school Mom told me she was embarrassed so she was denying it but she deserved it anyway because she wasn't nice to me. I didn't tell her that story to embarrass her, I found the story cute and funny and like telling it. I was only five then when we did it so I still don't see what is so embarrassing about it. I guess it was paypack I did there too and I hear she was embarrassed she ever came to my house and played with me or that she was my friend and there I was bringing pictures of me to school and one of them had her in it and she said it wasn't her. I always had to prove I was right and I had photos. I guess more paypack there.

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