auntblabby wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The first one is the closest. Im basically a visual thinker. Am into maps. Name any nation in the modern middle east and I can tell you every empire that conquered it in the last 5000 years. I used to design non computer war games using boards, tables, and dice, as a hobby.
in your opinion, does my digital audio restoration avocation indicate a visual thinker or some other kind of thinker?
hard to say.
Audio editing programs Ive encountered are quite visual in how they are used on a computer. So a visual person would take to them. But that doesnt necessarily mean you're 'a visual person".
Musicians tend to be linear, and not visual, thinkers it seems to me. Stevie Wonder I doubt is a very 'visual person'.
But visual thinkers can drift into music as an outlet-like me in deejaying.
Some people can visualize a car engine to fix cars.
More practical a skill than my knowing the geopolitcal history of the world.
But its a similiar visual aptitude.
It depends on how you learn things. Do you like to see a picture of it of it or not when a teacher explains things? Or would you prefer a recipe of directions?
In driving directions- do you prefer "go down the road -turn right at the school house- then...." of to draw atleast a crude map that shows how the roads relate to each other? Im the later.