uwmonkdm wrote:
bumble wrote:
I sometimes feel like I am standing on the outside of a society gone insane.
You are.
I understand completely Tequila, but my entire life has been this way. So I don't really feel any pain from it anymore. I'm consciously aware that no matter who I am with or where I am, I am alone.
Even if I feel like I care about people, they can't understand or see the world as I do. As bumble has suggested above, the world has gone insane; to try to explain this, or give someone a touch of sanity only serves to further alienate me.
For example, Monsanto has just received legal immunity from Obama, their GMO crops will take over the market soon (I'm not American but this still concerns me greatly as we are neighbors). No one really seems to care. No one cares that there's poison in the tap water, no one cares that technology is replacing human interaction, no one cares about anything anymore. There's no true religion, no philosophy, the western world is dying and I'm starting to understand exactly why so many people believe "America is Satan".
If I were to say that to the average person, what is their reaction?
In my eyes you have two options..
Accept that you're alone and try to find a small, small group of people that you can be around.
Fake it, be fake. Even most NTs are not themselves in public, or with friends. I believe most aspies are even worse because they're aware they have to try to fake it.
However, I believe everyone is lacking introspection, they don't understand themselves let alone anyone else... The most important thing I can suggest is to understand yourself, whatever that means for you.
We are.
I hate Monsanto with a passion. The s**t they, and American business, government, FDA etc pull is beyond appalling. Sheople are far too busy being distracted by crap to realize they're being enslaved & poisoned. The Bilderbergers are in full swing on their plans of mass population reduction down to 500M people worldwide, and they're doing it via Monsanto, poisoning the food supply, land, air, sea, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations etc w/ the cooperation of governments and the American military industrial complex. It's disgusting.
Thankfully we have the option of organic foods here, and our water hasn't been fluoridated since 1972. Now if we could only avoid the radiation from Fukushima... oh wait, we can't. f**k.
Anyways, I think there are a lot of us Aspies on the same wavelength about this sort of stuff. You're not alone in being able to stand on the outside of society and look in and see that from systems, processes, management, economics, environment, government & banking systems points of view people have completely lost touch with reality. Everyone going along with these absurd charades have lost their f00kin' minds.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.