How bad was 1-5 grade for you?
I was pretty much treated the same way as well.
1st grade: I had so many mental issues that I was taken out of this grade, but returned the following year. If my idiot psychiatrist knew what Autism was since I was tested just for that and observed, maybe I would have been in a school for special needs children. I should have been there in the first place and should have never gone to a public school.
1st grade again. This boy in my class, would catch me outside in the school playground and would beat me up for a week until some other kid reported it and my parents went to school and complained about these beatings, which got a lot of other kids in trouble as well. Nothing really got done because the bullying didn't stop. Just didn't happen on school grounds anymore. And because nothing was getting done, I finally got enough guts to do something about it when this kid came up on our front porch and started to work me over. I fought back and I won. But, the strange part of this is I never held any grudges against this kid and we became the best of friends.
2nd grade: I just wouldn't sit still but it was a verily uneventful year since I was now able to defend myself from bullies which I had to deal with also.
3rd grade: I couldn't sit still either and a teacher got mad and slapped me on the side of my head which caused a bobby pin to go in the canal of my left ear rupturing my ear drum and a stream of blood coming out of my ear. Once again my mom was at that same school where her and I was rushed to emergency so I can get surgery. Anyhow the teacher was fired immediately. But, I still had to deal with bullies.
After that, though I had a lot of trouble with certain subjects such as math and reading especially, I always had to deal with bullies. Even to this day I still have to deal with bullies though they haven't been physical with me. The last time the bullying was physical is when I was in the 9th grade were one of my classmates in gym class started calling me names and knocking my books on the floor while I was sitting on the bench. There were no teachers around at the time. And this classmate (girl) continued to pick on me until I hit her. So she laughed at me telling me that didn't hurt which really made me furious. And I hit her again which was hard enough that her shoulder got broken and was sent to the hospital and she was off from school for 2 weeks. Anyhow, the teacher came around and I told the truth as to what happened apologize to her. And because of the way I was able to manipulate the situation in my favor, I was never expelled. But like with the kid in the first grade the girl whose shoulder I broke and I became the best of friends.
Unfortunately teachers always seem to turn a deaf ear to bullying which is even happening to this day.
Same here. I felt no embarrassment for all the weird things I did because I had no self-awareness. I didn't realize I was making myself out to be a freak. I was too lost in my own world.
I was friends with the two other outcasts. We were the three weirdos. We played pretend games that must have looked stupid or crazy to everyone else. This was the only thing I was self-conscious about. When anybody asked what we were doing I just said we were playing "the game".
I wasn't self-conscious about running circles around people screaming hurricane. I wasn't embarrassed about talking like everything was a movie.
Around grade 6 my self-awareness seemed to develop rapidly and suddenly I felt the embarrassment for everything I had done previously in an oblivious state. There was no increase in bullying to make this the worst year. I freaked out and that's what made it the worst. I started doing bad things and lashing out because of the overwhelming embarrassment I felt from the past 5 years. I shut off the school's electricity by sneaking into the electrical room. I put rocks in the door hinges and snuck into the school repeatedly. I tried to hold the door closed at recess which was stupid because at least 100 kids were trying to get out and I couldn't possibly hold them back on my own. They didn't like that at all and it was the only time I was beaten. The only time I got beaten up was when I provoked them.
I just freaked out in grade 6. I was oblivious in grades 1-5 so I did all sorts of embarrassing things that I didn't feel self-conscious about at the time. Then in grade 6 I felt it all at once and I just couldn't handle it.

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It was hell. I was the school pariah and bullied mercilessly from when my mum dropped me off , all day long , to and including when we children were waiting to be picked up. My mum would hear the kids being nasty to me when she dropped off and picked me up. The teachers would hear it in class and occasionally tried to do something about it. On the playground I was all alone and the kids would push me down , trip me for fun, try to shove me in a trash can ect. One time two kids pulled my pants down in the hall and spit water in in them so I'd look like I peed my pants. Actually the bullying started in kindergarten (JK) when these two kids used to follow me around chanting "I hate *my name*"
EDIT: On reading the OP, I see that the original poster is 11 and is still bullied. I was bullied mercilessly until about grade 9 and then it continued a little until grade 11 and then I became more socially aware/people just left me alone. OP ,you're not alone and I empathize.
Last edited by daydreamer84 on 05 Apr 2013, 8:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

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I grew up in SoCal and moved to Vegas in my 20s. I had friends who were actually from there, so I have their accounts to go by as to what it's like to be a kid there.
You're right about there being nothing to do if you're under 21. It's the gaming industry trying to cover their asses. "See? We make sure kids don't get involved. In anything!" Nevada's always been under the microscope because of gambling. Back in the 30s they nearly got kicked out of the United States! (As in, reverted back to a territory.) So they overcompensate. This is why you have stupid laws, such as a venue catering to under-21 kids can't be within 500 feet of a bar. Well, in Vegas, virtually nowhere is less than 500 feet from a bar! I mean, if we're talking about commercial real estate.
I mean, there are video arcades, go-karts, and crap like that, but once you hit about 14 or 15 it just isn't enough. That's why a lot of bad stuff happens between 15 and 20. The rates for teen drug addiction, suicide, STDs, pregnancy, etc., are way the hell up there.
Good Christ!

I knew of one family--I say family because the kids were grown adults and they moved along with their parents--who moved to Vegas just for the cheap buffets. Simply for the sake of gluttony. Five years on and each family member required two stools, one for each butt cheek, in order to play the slots.
There's a long, long list of reasons not to move to Nevada, let me tell you.
I can imagine. If you ever get the chance, ditch Nevada and either head to California, the Pacific Northwest, or back to your beloved Wisconsin. I still hear good things about Wisconsin despite the crappy politics of the past couple years.
Most Americans don't realize this, but some of those desert rats out west are meaner and nastier than any of the hillbillies back east.
I had chronic bronchitis, so I was barely in school from 1st the 6th grade.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)
Can't remember much from 1-5 grade. I remember being bullied a bit ( nothing too bad. ) And keeping to myself a bit, but feeling I "have" to join the others. Don't remember why.
As for others I think 6-10 grade was a lot worse for me. I felt more lonely and left out, never really fitting in.
It should be noted that I went to a really small school (< 30 ) people in each grade, only one grade per age.
from my past: (2cd or 3rd grade)
One time, I was on the bus and this kid came up to me, put both his hands around my neck and was squeezing as hard as he could. He choked me to the point where I barely could breath, and no one did anything about it. I kicked him in the end and he got off, though, but it lasted for about 3 min.
I was In social studies class when someone told me to sit in a seat. I sat in it, then they told me to leave. They then said to this guy "Look who sat in your seat!" And pointed at me. The guy then said "Ew, gross" and then took his chair and tried to swap it with another guys. The person he tried to swap it with said "Ew, no! Switch it with someone else!" And then the guy took the empty chair and swapped it with his. Then, a kid at the table I was told to sit at said "you know that wasn't a compliment to let you sit there. We just wanted to gross that guy out"
So yeah. There are alot more, I could name a bunch

How was your grades 1-5? Comment here

Your story breaks my heart. My son is your age. Being bullied and teased was a horrible experience for me as a kid and I had always hoped that my kids would be spared that fate. So far, my daughter has, but my son has faced things similar to what you are facing.
People who bully are damaged in the very deep parts of their minds and psyches. That doesn't make what they do OK. But I hope it puts it in perspective. I have also always tried to remind my son that there are really only a couple of bullies in any given place. The rest of them are just scared. Scared of being on the other side, so they sacrifice part of what is good in them to avoid being a target. They go along, or even join in, not because they are ugly people on the inside, or because they dislike you, but because they are scared and weak. Most people would leave you alone, or maybe even be nice to you, if it weren't for those few true bullies. So when it feels like "everyone" is doing this, try to remember that there are only a few ring leaders. The rest are just scared kids who are not making wise choices.
Most of the people who bullied me when I was little are giant losers now. I will admit that it makes me smile to think of it. I am generally not that kind of person, but they got what they deserved in life and I can't help but feel vindicated for it.
Hang in there, little one. People can do and say many horrific things to you. Horrible things that make your heart hurt. But people only have as much power as you give them and the best thing that you can do is to keep a smile in your heart, regardless of their evilness, and do the things that you know are right, good, kind, and loving. Screw the rest of them. You only have to account for your own choices, and they will have to account for theirs. When you can look yourself in the mirror and know that you have done nothing to cause suffering to another human being and know that you have stuck to your principles, you can hold your head up high and be proud of being an honorable person.
Have you told your mom and dad about this? Your guidance counselor at school? There are actually teachers at my son's school who keep an eye out for him because they know he is a target for bullying. They help make sure that he is finding the right kind of friends. Last year I also started having really hard conversations with him called "things that make me a target." ("me" being him). I love my son the way he is, even his oddities. I feel like he should be allowed to be who he is and other people should have to accept him. But the reality is, many things he does draw negative attention to him. So, with his permission, I started pointing them out. I felt horrible about it at first and worried that I would destroy his self esteem, but actually it helped him. Once he was able to figure out what the "weird" things are that he does, he was able to stop doing them around people he cannot trust and it did seem to help. Instead of damaging his self-esteem, it made him feel better about himself because he felt like he had more control over what was going on around him. Do you have someone you can trust who can help you figure out what it is that you are doing that draws negative attention? When I was your age, I had no idea what those things were. I just knew I was doing "something" that made me stick out. Maybe things would have been different if I would have known.
Stay strong.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage