Do you think in pictures? words? both? experiment.
- a family member's face
I don't see their whole face at once. Usually I see their smile or their hair and the rest of the face is vague and I hear their voice. Sometimes the whole face is vague and I mainly hear their voice. My father is an exception, I see mostly his eyes.
- a math problem
I see the numbers and hear the spoken problem or I see it as a situation involving objects.
- how to spell a difficult word
I use a spell check.
- what love is
Familiarity. Though the first thing that came to mind was the word "lOVE" in bold letters.
- how to give directions to a place nearby
Imagine myself going there. Then point and say "that way".
- a family member's face
I can see their nose, hair, and eyes. If they get a haircut/shave I sometimes don't immediately recognize them.
- a math problem
Depends on the problem, different formulas have different visuals, some problems would be just a big "?" or partially filled in spots with known formulas.
- how to spell a difficult word
The word appears as it does in text, usually with a visual of the definition, as do word parts when trying to analyze a word I'm not familiar with.
- what love is
No visual really, pretty much just a warm/fuzzy feeling. Hate/Dislike however would be two cold magnets repulsing one another. Love for my wife was particularly hard to decode, but since it was like being with myself, a reflection best suits that type of connection.
- how to give directions to a place nearby
I don't remember names of many things, including streets I do not travel on, so I pass on verbal directions. I can however draw a map because I can see it as a 3-d image or imagine walking/riding down the roads.
I've noticed I'm much better at recognizing people by voice than by face, and I've learned to associate a name to that voice. On the whole though, I don't recall names of people/places/things unless they interest me or are important to my job. I didn't know who Michael Jordan was till he was on "Space Jam", and I can't tell you the names of many celebrities in general. Most chit-chat I encounter is on sports/movies, etc. so this is a big void that I have no interest in.
Math in general is a big "?" outside of problems I've memorized (such as 9-5=4, no calculation goes on, just recall). I had a hard time giving change till I memorized the amounts as coins and combinations of coins ($.40 is one big [.25], one medium [.05], and one small [.10] preferably). I believe I may have dyscalculia, so I'm not sure if I can function in math at a higher level, such as algorithms and advanced geometry (advanced origami design tools), which I would desperately like to understand. I barely got by in High School with D's and F's, mostly due to not showing my work properly on homework, and I usually did well on tests unless we studied some piece of math that I couldn't grasp.
I suspect ASD, but have yet to be formally diagnosed.
BAP: 103 aloof / 100 rigid / 103 pragmatic
AQ: 40 EQ: 8 SQ: 114
Aspie: AS-156/200 NT-56/200
RAADS-R: 189 total
Diagnosed 9/2013
I think in none of the above.
However, if I want to, I can visualise (or audialise, or tactilise, or any of the senses) anything I want.
Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I
- a family member's face
I pictured my dad. I can see his face but only the middle (cheekbones, bridge of nose, eyes) is in focus, and it keeps flickering between images of him at different ages from 30-60.
- a math problem
A bar graph with different colored bars which then move around, stack on top of each other, etc.
- how to spell a difficult word
I see the word as printed on a cream-colored page in a large, black serif font. My "point of view" pans across it.
- what love is
Feel a warm feeling and see a yellowish glow.
- how to give directions to a place nearby
See "clips" of what I'd see while walking there, turning corners, landmarks, etc.
A visual image of their face. It's blurry, except for a little focus spot that I can move around to see each individual detail.
The words 'math problem' bring up a visual image of what my work pages in school looked like.
But if I think of, say 25 + 43, I see a flickering number line while I talk myself through the problem. (Answer = 68)
I see the word written out.
I feel a strong feeling of love, which is completely non-sensory.
I see the place, and then get a flurry of images of the path there.
Oh, and by the way, I'm officially diagnosed with PDD NOS.
I think mostly in pictures,some words and I can remember smells like I am smelling them,and I usually have some form of music stuck in my head.
I can see a family members face but have trouble with people I don't know well.
I have trouble with math,when I see the numbers they sort of float off and I can't remember them,I'm terrible at math.
I see the word written in my head if I'm trying to spell it.
Love,I just feel it and can't explain it at all.
I see a visual of directions,I'm good with maps.
I was told by a psychologist that worked with Autistics that he thought I was HFA.My psychiatrist would like me to do some tests,but it's a three hour drive and my insurance may not cover it.He says he has noticed autistic traits.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi
Close your eyes and think of the following....what do you see/hear in your mind?
- a family member's face
Pictured him and feeling how he makes me feel while I was thinking his name
Picture of the numbers written out in bold
Thought of a word and then saw it spelled out in images
I saw a heart then mostly had feelings and felt like I had to make a real effort to think of words
I picture how to get there as if I'm driving
NT Fem- I think though I may have seen the heart because I was thinking about picturing everything due to the question itself. I do normally see letters individually as if they are colored refrigerator magnets so I think I see pictures while I'm thinking, usually. Maybe not on feelings tho such as love.
NT with AS spouse who claims I'm too weird to get away with calling myself a "typical" anything. 0_o
However, if I want to, I can visualise (or audialise, or tactilise, or any of the senses) anything I want.
Mostly the same here; when I think about these things, a family member for example, I do not see their face or hear their voice, I just imagine the idea of them. The only time I hear words is when I am either reading or "scripting". I can however hear, taste, feel, or smell whatever I wish quite vividly. I even have a quite keen ability to think spatially, though I struggle to actually visualize with only a few exceptions, I don't really ever see anything in my mind.
However, if I want to, I can visualise (or audialise, or tactilise, or any of the senses) anything I want.
Faces too?
I´d be interested into the answer, because I think I visualize really good, so I have no problem with coordinizing a half dozen larger building sites as an 3-dimensional building in my head, I even can move inside and walk around and view them from inside, or turn them as I need, but goddamn I cant visualize a simple face, not even that from my partner that I know for 13 years?
I thought for the longest time that everyone thought mostly in pictures,when I found out some people didn't it confused me.How do they think?
I thought everyone could visualize the inside of a building and mentally walk around in it,and even smell it and mentally hear the sounds that would be happening.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi
Both, but mainly words.
Cinnamon and sugary
Softly Spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Autism FAQs
- a family member's face
- a math problem
- how to spell a difficult word
- what love is
- how to give directions to a place nearby
Share your answers if you like...and if possible state if you are AS (self diagnosed included) or NT.
I have AS (diagnosed) and I think primarily in images. Sometimes I think in audible words (I hear them in my head, not that I speak them, but I do not see the written form of the word in my head).
When I think of a family member's face I see the out line of their head, the shape and color of their hair, and their skin color. If I focus real hard I can get vague impressions of their eyes and nose but nothing definite.
When I think of a math problem, I see the numbers written out on paper, and perhaps the pertinent graph to match. When I do the problem in my head I mentally write out what I would on paper, carrying ones, crossing out numbers, drawing arrows, etc.
When I am thinking of how to spell a difficult word (or any word) I do NOT see the letters, I hear it sounded out in my head. This means that I am horrible at spelling. This is made worse because I do not always pronounce words correctly. Spell check is my best friend.
When I think of what love is, I think of passages of books (especially the Bible) on descriptions of love and it's obligations. This is helped because I see love as an action more than a feeling. I also see out what would be like silent film clips of a person helping another person.
When I think of giving directions I see in my head what looks like a google maps image, including highlighted route (in blue), but I also have alternate routes highlighted (in yellow) and glowing green dots on places that I have visual snap shot images of that I should see on the way to help place me where I am. All the streets are labeled including the surrounding streets that I do not need to get on.
__ /(. . )
A Family member- moms face appears.
Math problem- A problem Ive been toying with-comparing the amount of masonry in the pyramids with that of the Great Wall of China. Imagine a giant's hands coming down and scooping up the great wall-and then reshaping it as pyramid standing next to the Egyptian great pyramid.
Spelling a difficult word: I usually try (without success often) to visualize different ways to spell it until one way 'looks right".
Love:- non visual- a warm feeling coming out of the center of my body.
Direction: Visualize a map of the streets in question. Imagine the person's car moving down the streets.
So I guess Im rather visual.
A disgnosed aspie.
I don't like to "close my eyes" when I imagine. I don't like to force myself to see images. I naturally see images whenever I read or hear words, so I just do it with my eyes open.
- a family member's face
- a math problem
- how to spell a difficult word
Picture of the word. (I saw "Pneumocystis." Don't know why. )
- what love is
Too vague and abstract, so I just saw a heart. If I were to think harder, I 'd give a verbal description.
- how to give directions to a place nearby
I'd both "see" the directions visually and "hear" the verbal explanation.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?