kx250rider wrote:
Yes.... And not only dog whistles, but also when I was a kid in the 1970s, the TV remote controls and garage door openers were operated by radio frequencies in stead of infrared or digital signals as they are today. Hence they were in my audible range, and nobody believed me until I would prove it. I would tell them to hide the remote, or the garage hand unit behind them, and I'd tell them exactly when they pressed a button. In fact, I could even tell them WHICH button they were pressing on some TV remotes, as they gave out distinctively different ultrasonic tones for each button. And if that's not enough to try to convince a skeptic of my (our in the autism community) ability to hear in the ultrasonic range, I can not only hear all tones on the ear doctor's test set, but I can call out the frequencies. It gets new doctors all buffaloed when in stead of holding up my right hand for a sound heard in the right ear, etc., I hold up the hand and say "10.5khz.", etc.
This is a blessing and a curse, as I am so bothered by some sounds that nobody else can even hear, that I have to leave the room sometimes, and this can cause people to think I'm a nut case who hears nonexistent things. Computer power supplies, CFL bulbs, and other things make a sound which is out of the range of most humans' hearing, but is loud and distressing to me. On the positive side of the hypersensitive hearing, I can tell when a light bulb is thinking about burning out, or when a capacitor starts to leak in a computer power supply, and before it blows out. It makes a vibratory whine. Happily in a way, at age 46, my high-range of hearing is falling off a bit.
I was baffled by your stories about hearing TV remotes and garange door openers because it doesnt make sense that you could 'hear' radio waves. The human cant directly sense radio waves( radio is a form of light, and not sound). But actually most seventies' TV remotes and garage door openers I encountered in my youth were not signaled by radio waves, but by ultra sound. Since ultra sound isnt very "ultra" to you- then it make sense that you (the deviant individual) could hear them.
And if some did work by microwave or radio- you might have been hearing something in the electronics of the device itsself that was emiting the radiation- and not the radiation itsself. That could be too- since you can hear all this other stuff-light bulbs and capactors.
Dont mind me. Im just thinkin' aloud.