Skilpadde wrote:
If I make a nasty comment about or to someone, then I’m bad or misbehaving or rude. If someone makes a similar comment to me, they’re at least partly right and always have the right to do so, that’s something I just have to be able to take.
If I snap at someone for saying something to me I don’t appreciate, then I am bad, rude, misbehaving or need to learn how to react properly. If someone snaps at me for something I said, then they’re in their right and I had it coming.
Now, I’m not excusing bad things I have done, but i do demand to be treated like everyone else. I am allowed to act the same way. Things aren’t worse coming out of my mouth than they are coming from anyone else.
If I approach anyone, I have to be non-pushy, but if anyone approaches me, i should pretty much throw away anything I hold in my hand so I can pay attention to them. If I try to ignore them, I'm rude and should put away whatever I'm doing to accomodate them, if they ignore me, they're busy and I need to leave them alone.
I once threw a rant to my mom about how much I dislike people in general, and I said that I have seen more impressive stuff in the toilet bowl. She sighed and looked sour and about to complain about me again. Then I added the magical words: “As one of the officers in JAG said about the recruits.”
She laughed then. Yeah, from a TV series it’s fun, from your daughter it’s misbehaving.
My dog was viciously attacked and my mother disbelieved me when I told her about it, how the other dog owner had reacted. That is until a woman who is practically a stranger and had witnessed it, confirmed my words.
I'm so sorry this happens to you. I have seen similar so I kinda get it. Add on, I bought recording devices to catch things as needed, but never can seem to turn them on in time when I need them.