eric76 wrote:
I've never understood why anyone would get a tattoo at all.
I'm curious why you tried to do the tattoo removal yourself? Why not go to a doctor and have it done?
As far as I'm concerned, if you can afford the tattoo, you can afford the removal.
Most people turn really stupid, get them and then end up regretting it. It's a very commonly stupid thing to do. That's the only explanation; it was #%&@! stupid and I was a #%&@! idiot. I did something really stupid that seemed like a fun idea at the time. I get that.
The tattoos cost a total of $120. The skin peel acid cost about $20. Laser treatments however run into the thousands are not covered by any kind of insurance. Normally the TCA acid treatment is effective on the type of small simple tattoos I got. And it's actually recommended before getting laser removal to lighten up the tattoo ahead of time.
Not meaning to get defensive, but this is something people usually take a kind of sanctimonious attitude towards. Like, "wow you were really stupid, I myself would never be as stupid as you are, you stupid idiot".
That's what I don't want to have to deal with. I know I made a really, really stupid mistake and badly wish I could take it back.
I've made plenty of mistakes I wish I could take back, so I know how you feel on that.
I strongly dislike tattoos and tend to respond in a knee jerk reaction to remarks about getting them even if the best response would be to say nothing.