Those pesky NT's & their 'teaching moments'
I don't understand her behavior anyway. I've met women like that and I avoid them as much as possible. Maybe she was trying to point out that what you were saying was common knowledge and you were boring people? I don't know. She sounds like a passive-aggressive, obnoxious person though.
Sounds like jealousy or something. Maybe some people are so dull and incurious that they assume the only reason to go into detail about such a thing would be to assert status by impressing people with your knowledge. It couldn't just be that you were interested in sharing what you learned. Nooo, everything is a shallow means to an end. Nobody ever cares about knowledge for the sake of knowledge.
To be honest I can't be sure exactly what was going on there so take this with a grain of salt. Don't just assume that you did something wrong though. They shouldn't be able to get away with that.
Don't let one inconsiderate person put you off going to church. You will often find some people that are off with you whoever you are in any group. That doesn't mean you can't find somewhere you find people to support your walk with Christ. I think it is worth the effort to try other churches. Maybe you could try a friends church.
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My Aspergers is only HALF the problem for churchs.
My DH committed a crime & got away with it. Except for his consciouse. So, he confessed and was sentenced to hard time in the State Corrections Dept. edited to add: he confessed, repented and has made amends where he can. Every other church we've approached has NOT allowed him (& this church was founded by the Deacon from the local First Baptist Church when they had a member go to prison & when he got out 10 yrs later they told him he wasn't welcome). So, there's more to the story (what was that dude's name? Oh, yeah, PAUL HARVEY)
Funny, but if you polled members of those "Christian churches" if it is a Bible believing, New Testament preaching then they would admitt that Jesus died for ANYONE who sins, for ANY sin & that "no sin is unforgivable" once it's been confessed & repented for...but that doesn't cover some crimes....
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I'm still very happy to see that what I'm feeling is pretty much what everyone else here has said.
The Aspergers still sucks & so does the reaction we get when we disclose my DHs conviction to churchs. (So, obviously: we aren't going to church anymore).
All in all, I'm very glad I posted this thread. Really, my whole life I've gone through similar situations (read: WEIRDNESS) and had no basis for comparison/no understanding why (who I now know are) NTs act so different from the way I am.
I have to say I'm very glad I can come in here & tell y'all something & get so much feedback! (Even IF the feedback were that I was off-base or something....I know I'm not perfect & will mess up sometimes, if ya' know what I mean?)
Even without the specific context you mentioned, I feel like I've basically been there. My tendency is to basically ask 'for what? what might I have done differently?' because I like to at least know what I've done wrong. (Then from my experience, things tend to get worse as others either will not or - probably more often - cannot really explain what was 'wrong.' Grr...) I also prefer to only say 'sorry' if there was something I actually believe was wrong and I'll at least try to do differently. Above all, I prefer not to apologize if I don't feel sorry, you know? It just feels... like lying, and really hollow (and dirty).
Though yeah, I don't consider what you did to be necessarily 'wrong.' She asked a question and you gave an answer. If she didn't like it, there are a number of other ways she could have told you, and the ones I can think of involve actually telling you.
(I'm also told that, say, apologizing for things that happened a long time ago and don't really matter anymore is a bad idea. It basically brings up hurt again and - particularly if it involves something you did with someone else - creates 'mind clutter' for the other person. I think in those cases, it's best to just forgive yourself.)
I suppose leaving church if it seems the members don't practice what they teach makes sense, at least if you don't have the skills/devotion/whatever else to try and help lead things to be better...
Say, if you'd still like to go to church but not to that one, may I tell you a bit about my religion? Or at least suggest it, maybe give you something to look into? (I won't pressure you if your answer is 'no,' but I would like to know.)
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Curly mused that she didn't even know what causes sinkholes.
Now, being an Aspie (& I don't care what the APA/DSM-5 says--I have decided that I *like* that nickname for my malady!) one of my "interests" is the news. I read & re-read my favorite news websites MULTIPLE TIMES during the day.
Inbetween reading the news stories, I Google EVERYTHING I've read. So I had looked into that particular phenomena very recently.
I told Curly that I wasn't certain about the one in the Mid-West (that I do know they are caused by a different mechanism than the Florida ones) & I had just studied Florida sinkholes & I found out that because Florida is basically a big sandbar (we have NO bedrock) the hardest thing under our feet besides clay is something called coquina (a kind of shell/rock very heavy in limestone) and as the rain water filters through it all, the limestone gets leached away and empty pockets form below the sand/clay & BOOM ya' get a sinkhole.
So then my friend Mo turns to her husband and says "Now honey, please tell the lady what causes sinkholes"
WTH? I ******know****** my answer was correct. I was very surprised & hid myself with trying to teach myself how to get on to facebook with my new smartphone.
Larry went on for about 10 min. & said pretty much the EXACT SAME THING I did (only more like a politician or lawyer--why use 1 word when 1,000 will do?)
Curly gave me at least one sidelong glance edited to add in: I mean SIDEWAYS glance(that I noticed; I was fiddling with my cell phone & telling myself during Larry's dissertation that Mo must have had a good reason to act like that; I just didn't see why right then)
This could be typical sexism.
I can't find it now, but I read an article about an author who was having a book release party at her home. A man cornered her and started lecturing her on the topic her own book was about, as if she was completely ignorant, and apparently did not realize she had written the book he was holding forth about. Your anecdote reminds me very much of that.
I have experienced this kind of thing on so many occasions. I remember on mailing lists someone would ask a question, I'd answer it, get ignored, a guy would give a very similar answer and be showered in gratitude. I was not the only person to whom this happened.
Mixing it up with the way that not-autistic people (who are not always NT) will try to "educate me" on anything because they perceive me as essentially incompetent due to developmental disability is extremely frustrating.
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Say, if you'd still like to go to church but not to that one, may I tell you a bit about my religion? Or at least suggest it, maybe give you something to look into? (I won't pressure you if your answer is 'no,' but I would like to know.)
No, but thank you for the offer.
My DH committed a crime & got away with it. Except for his consciouse. So, he confessed and was sentenced to hard time in the State Corrections Dept. edited to add: he confessed, repented and has made amends where he can. Every other church we've approached has NOT allowed him (& this church was founded by the Deacon from the local First Baptist Church when they had a member go to prison & when he got out 10 yrs later they told him he wasn't welcome). So, there's more to the story (what was that dude's name? Oh, yeah, PAUL HARVEY)
Funny, but if you polled members of those "Christian churches" if it is a Bible believing, New Testament preaching then they would admitt that Jesus died for ANYONE who sins, for ANY sin & that "no sin is unforgivable" once it's been confessed & repented for...but that doesn't cover some crimes....
The church I currently attend, and the one I did previously, have cops sitting right next to ex-felons, and both churches have had people in leadership positions who have spilled their guts in their testimonies; the church doors here in California anyway are open for everyone. Those testimonies that I mostly hear in the church-sanctioned recovery program are my teaching moments. It's probably more of a gender-borne issue of cattiness, me being a male I've not experienced anything of being put on the spot in either fashion; a note of interest regarding when one announces AS to a room full of people - I've had a handful of people admire and applaud my bravery yet I have the idea that everyone has their own interpretation of what AS is, I've had maybe 3 people out of the 200 or so in the room who have some inclination without me having to give them the entire outline of what it entails
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30
Really interesting posts by everyone in this topic.
Scia you said what I was trying to say about 'being sorry' much better than I was able to. Thank you.
It is one thing to be a humble person and admit one's failings or especially if one knows or feels one did someone a wrong, but, it's quite another if a group continually makes someone grovel after their approval. To me this situation sounded more like the latter.
Verdandi I've encountered some similar examples of sexism in the past, in life and online although I ran into it way more often in the earlier days of the internet. The 'net isn't as much a male province today, at least in my own experience. But I certainly got dismissed constantly due to being a soft spoken female, but a male with less qualification and/or knowledge would be treated like an oracle...Lol.
2wheels raised a good point that I wasn't sure I wanted to: I am not sure announcing something so personal and which so many are ignorant about, right off the bat, in a group setting, is a great idea. In this case that topic would be having AS, or a past conviction. Get to know them a bit first and maybe approach the pastor or leader with it first and ask them for their advice how to handle it.
My Boss has decided she needs to "train" me on how to compose emails as she says my emails are too detailed and I include too much in my parentheses and even went so far as to tell me that two people have supposedly complained about how wordy my emails are which include only important things such as date of service, patient's names, and pertinent information I am trying to get across about the status of the patient's account - I work in coding in a that was devastating to be told by a totally unprofessional woman how I should compose an email...also, she told me on Friday when I tried updating her on a crisis that was happening at work (something where she herself could get into a lot of trouble if she was intelligent enough to realize it) that I was communicating in a bizarre way; the way she worded it was "you know when I told you about your emails?, well, this is kind of like that...) because I was nervous and was giving her a lot of background details so she could get the full is a hard thing because on one hand I do think I have Asperger's but on the other hand she is such an unprofessional person who really cannot be counted on for reliable information that I don't know if she is correct or not about my communication style...anyways, I thought this would qualify for a "pesky NT" story :-)
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Now that doesn't really sound conducive to effective worship for either the cops or THE FORGIVEN PERSON to me.
You see, to me, forgiveness means that the past is put in the past where it belongs.
I can only imagine what someone new to your congregation is going to think....guards? watchmen? When is someone really forgiven? Because as long as there are restrictions of any type placed on someone then they are NOT living in a forgiven position.
Btw, the only time someone could be an "ex-felon" is if they had received an executive pardon (either from the Governor of the state they committed their crime in or from the U.S. President; of course this is speaking only for those of us in the U.S.). Most would be called an ex-convict...but that has bad connotations of it's own.
Now that doesn't really sound conducive to effective worship for either the cops or THE FORGIVEN PERSON to me.
You see, to me, forgiveness means that the past is put in the past where it belongs.
I can only imagine what someone new to your congregation is going to think....guards? watchmen? When is someone really forgiven? Because as long as there are restrictions of any type placed on someone then they are NOT living in a forgiven position.
Btw, the only time someone could be an "ex-felon" is if they had received an executive pardon (either from the Governor of the state they committed their crime in or from the U.S. President; of course this is speaking only for those of us in the U.S.). Most would be called an ex-convict...but that has bad connotations of it's own.
Sorry, I've "outgrown" most of my literalism - to clarify; several members of my church work in law enforcement (there are also a smattering of Olympic athletes and media personalities as well as other walks of life) and other members have a history of being in penitentiary - a recovery workbook study I enrolled in there had someone on the LAPD gang unit and his sponsor was a former 'white supremacist' convicted of 2 serious felonies - to me that shows the power of changed lives. The former skinhead has been a drug/alcohol counselor since 2006 and the LAPD guy started a youth diversion program. Both are equally as forgiven, as are you me, and anyone else and there are no restrictions placed on anyone
To my knowledge, 1 guy I know had a conviction waived in another state, though I'm not sure that classifies as a pardon.
@Popsicle, my decision to announce my condition was to put in practice the concept of that meeting being a safe place to share hurts, habits and hangups, and also that I no longer live in denial that I there are just some things I can't self-help my way out of.
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30
Your situation was unique. I was referring more to cases like MsMarginalized's, there are a lot of judgmental people out there, who don't know a thing about AS and may have heard very bad information in the past. That wouldn't be a safe environment in which to become vulnerable.
I think I know which L.A. church you might be referring to and it's known for being open and accepting.