Parents are control freaks!

no i'm not lazy... very computer technology smart...
what is the problem is the culture of work ignores most autistic/aspie people and goes for neurotypical
1% of the world is rich 99% is poor
1% of the world is aspie/autistic/disabled.... 99% is neurotypical sheeple.... who follow the herd master.. lol

I don't see how that makes them controlling. They can't control how businesses work.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.

Amen brother/sister!
My parents are neurotypical and don't get me at all. My whole life they made me feel like this is my fault and that I'm a horrible person for it.
It was so demoralizing that my resulting insecurity interfered with every aspect of my life, making socializing even harder.
Background: my mom is the peppy, blonde popular cheerleader type who would have picked on me in high school. So is my sister. Both act like this is my choice and i could just wave my magic wand whenever i wish and become neurotypical. lolllll. My dad was the corresponding jock/douche (although he is not much of a douche anymore), although my brother is nice, but also a popular jock with douchebro friends.
My parents controlling every aspect of my life, treating me as an invalid who can't live independently (I have and can - did lots of nerd camp as a teen) it's really demoralizing
My mum is very overprotective of me, and I'm 23. I am seeing an older man, yes he is older and yes she's my mum and so has a right to be a little concerned, but she is letting it affect her whole life, like to the point where she's stopped enjoying the things she used to enjoy. It's also making me feel torn, because I really like this man and he really likes me and it's my only chance I have got, but she is my mum and I don't like her being this worried.
I can't afford to move out. If I did, I'd have to work full time, meaning 5-6 full days a week, and I don't think I can cope with that. The job I am in now is low wage, and jobs are hard to come by anyway so I don't want to leave unless I know I have a better paid job lined up. But it's not all that easy, especially for an Aspie.
I don't really have any close friends that will move in a small flat with me. It's not really the right time for me to just ask a friend to do it with me. I do like having a mum who cares, but I wish she will let me do what I want a little more. I was lonely most of my school life and practically the whole of my high school life, and I am s**t at making friends because I'm too shy. So I do want to give men that like me a chance, but it's difficult when my mum is stressing out and yelling at me all the time and calling him names (not to his face but to me).
It's a dilemma.
I understand your mother's concern , but you are an adult now.
If age difference is her only issue, then she is being harsh.
Younger men often lack the life experience to see a personality under a shy exterior, and many are still seeking a "trophy" girl to bolster their confidence.
If she has worries beside age, consider them and ask her to discuss them rationally with you.
She may see something you need to assess.
One lesson I have learned is that you cannot choose who your children will love, and trying to makes them more stubborn.
My daughter at 15 was infatuated with a 30 year old man.
We did everything we could to prevent this, at 16 she ran off to live with him.
10 years later they are still in love and together, and we have reconciled.
Yes, your mother only wants you to be happy.
She needs to understand that your happiness may be different to her version of it.
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