anneurysm wrote:
OP: Don't feel ashamed of yourself for being an having AS, it is just a different way of being.
As long as you are happy with who you are and doing what you enjoy, there is no need to question yourself. You should only change your behavior if it's an issue of getting what you want out of life or if it is not allowing you to attain personal growth...for example, you are interested in a certain sport but want people to play it with or you want a job but are too scared to talk to people. If you want to start being with people, know your limits with people and don't make yourself burnt out from too much socializing.
- from a fellow introvert.
Agreed. Adam Young from Owl City is super introverted and he's awesome. Just because extroverts are more conspicuous in our individualistic society doesn't mean that's the only right way to be. I've always wanted to be introverted because I think being extroverted makes me less intelligent in the long run. I very much admire the ability to be able to be alone for extended periods of time without incapacitating depression; I cannot do it for more than a few hours without talking to at least someone.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.