League_Girl wrote:
There are different level of abuse, not all abusers know they are doing abuse. You don't need to starve and beat your child to be an abuser.
Very true. Most abusers are not sociopaths. They are impulsive and can't control their anger, and then decide not to do anything about it the first time their anger hurts someone, and keep on deciding not to do anything about it until they terrorize their families. Or they are immature, and don't have the wisdom to be parents. Or they don't think far enough ahead, they want something for themselves and then end up depriving their families because they couldn't manage their income... common with alcohol/drug/gambling problems. Some parents just don't want to be parents, and instead of doing the rational thing and putting the kids up for adoption they try to pretend they aren't, neglecting their children physically and emotionally.
Emotional instability, addiction, etc. are not guarantees that a parent will become abusive. The critical factor is how they react to those things. Do they go, "I have a problem that could hurt my children; I am going to take steps to ensure it does not"? Or do they ignore it, pretend there is no problem, blame others, perhaps even blame the children? Some parents actually justify it to themselves by claiming that the children deserved it, that no one could be expected to treat such horrible children nicely. They believe it, truly, and the children may come to believe it too. No child grows up without doing some small thing wrong... blaming yourself is almost easier, because it implies that you have control over the situation when, usually, you don't.