Annoying things people do to you because you have aspergers.

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02 Jun 2013, 12:58 am

-Treat me as if I'm stupid and use subterfuge because they think I can't see through it by now (happens all the time so I know what it looks like).

-Ignore what I say because they assume that I'm wrong and know nothing.

-Not take me seriously, at all.

That's just to name a few, and each of these happen every day, everywhere.

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02 Jun 2013, 3:37 am

I can relate to other posters here.

Many people disregard what I say. Only a small number of people listen to me.

Some malicious people at work have turned the volume of the radio up very high to annoy me because they know I don't like the radio.

Also because I tend to be anxious and get stressed very easily, some people lied to make me even more stressed and get a laugh out of it.

These things make me wonder what the company's "anti-bullying" policy and "embracing the diversity" statement mean. They are easily tolerating harassment and discriminatory behavior. I don't think the company really means what the policy or statement or whatever says.


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02 Jun 2013, 5:05 am

GregCav wrote:
Tell you a secret. Untill last year I didn't have a clue about my Asperger's. Hell, I didn't have a clue about people, life, anything. I believe everybody is in a similar state. Unless you put in the time and effort to read books, study the social interactions, read about relationships, read about the opposite sex, read about Autism and similar conditions, you won't and can't have a clue about how other people feel or what their needs are. No chance.

I don't know if everyone is in this situation. But I certainly was. I'm glad I'm going to college for this reason and this reason alone. I've learned more about the world and myself than I would have if I didn't. I think it's easier for a lot of people, because of their inherent similarities. It's a lot easier to understand someone who's pretty much exactly like you.

Wow I guess a lot of people with aspergers do understand what I'm going through. Another thing that annoys me is how every time I like something and want to talk about it my Mom always tells me that it's an obsession and I need to shut up about it. I understand that aspies have obsessive special interests but I feel like I'm just not allowed to feel any joy around her. In fact she's never really asked me what I'm into or what I want out of life because it's all bad "obsessions" according to her. :/

This is surprisingly like my mom. Though, she doesn't think it's all bad obsessions. But it seems she just doesn't care or want to hear about it. I find most people to be the same way. It's like for some reason they don't want to talk about anything. I'm honestly confused about what people talk about. I try media, I try stuff I see online, I try day-to-day activities, I try food, and it's nothing. They don't care to talk about any of it. Or when they finally do agree to something I know nothing about it. And the discussion is over (even if it's two other people talking besides me) in maybe 5 minutes. How can you discuss anything in fve minutes?

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18 Oct 2013, 4:02 pm

People who believe my sister has Aspergers because I have Aspergers too.

People who treat me in a pompous manner.

People who tell me that I'm another psychopath in the making.

People who think I'm a human map, meaning I'm asked where places are, even places I've never visited at all.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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18 Oct 2013, 5:21 pm

League_Girl wrote:
People treating me in condescending manner. They are treating me like I am a child or something or slow. This doesn't happen often but it does online sometimes and in real life.

Being under estimated.

This. My mom is the worst; she treats me like I'm younger than my 15-year-old sister. Sure, I'm emotionally immature for my age, but it's really not as bad as she makes it out to be. Even my sister does this now; whenever I do something odd or say something blunt or potentially socially awkward in front of her friends, she jumps in and explains me to them like I'm a new species of creature or something. The other night I was flapping for flapping's sake, and she asked if I was all right. I said I was fine and asked what she meant, she pointed out that I was, "Doing that hand thing again." I explained that it doesn't always mean I'm stressed or upset, sometimes I just do it because it feels good. Sometimes I feel like a patient at a hospital whose every move is being watched for signs of maladaption.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
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19 Oct 2013, 1:19 am

Bullying, controlling, criticizing, insulting... and being mean towards me in general.

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19 Oct 2013, 2:25 am

I haven't faced any of those problems because hardly anybody besides my sister knows what Aspergers is. I came from a family who know very little of this stuff.

I hate the fact that the word 'autism' is synonymous as an insult. Both the internet and real life, I've heard people use that word to initiate a hateful conversation like "Dude, you must be f*****g autistic" which is plain arrogant.


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19 Oct 2013, 5:27 am

Dutchy wrote:
whaha lol, sometimes when people know it, i get a lot of comments like: but you can look me in the eye! and: well i see nothing about you (duh!).
Most of the time people think that i need A LOT of structure, or that i need picto's to function. When in fact i really can't work with picto's, and i hate an overload of structure.
I notice that a lot of people really just can't understand how come a person has his problems, but also has a high intelligence all in the same person. They get so confused haha, they don't always know what to do or to say. Think often they do the right thing, because they 'read' one article about autism, or 'their cousin is autistic too' so they think they sudden know everything about you. Sometimes they think i like math because i suppose to be good at, when in fact i suck (and i hate math)! :lol: Or that i have this 'thing' with numbers and stuff. Haha i hate numbers, and i can't count cards (like Rainman).

Well, i don't blame people for wanting to do the right thing for me, and they don't always understand me. How can they know we're not all Rainman's, or Temple Grandin's right? The Media is all over the place when it comes to autism, and they would like to give one image, because you know, that's just the easy way. It's easier to put people in boxes and to see all the autistic people as one. I really can't blame them for not knowing the truth, if all what they see or hear are those 'Rainman-cases' as that's what its mean to be autistic.

You know, i just laugh at this stuff. It makes me really laugh. Hard. because it's so silly sometimes. I always just want to believe in the good and positive side of people. Most people don't want to be mean or offensive of annoying. Most people are tended to mean it really good, but sometimes they just suck, because they don't know any better. I really don't take it so hard on people. And for the people who are mean, and who are offensive, well they are just getting my very pity, because i think those people are just a really really really long way from them true core. I don't bother to give them any attention or energy in any form.

I like to see things in a positive way with lots of humor and self-deprecating. If you're annoying on all the things that go wrong, or not right in your eyes, or expect people to be or to do stuff in a certain way, i guess you have a really hard life. If you focus on all the negative sides, than negativity is what you get. You have to be openminded i guess. Maybe it's not always easy, but it's simpel: just hang out with the people you get the most positive sence from, and don't give a lot attention to those who don't. Even when it's family. Because genes have nothing to do with friendship or the feeling that you're welcome just the way you are. My own parents really don't understand me. They never did, and they never will. And that's ok. I understand, that they don't understand me. I don't expect them to be anymore. I really don't expect anything from anyone. Because if you do, you'll probably get a lot of disappointments.

Hope everyone learns to accept people just the way they are, and focus more on the good stuff, rather the annoying stuff, not that it can not be discussed ofcourse :wink:

We are 1 in 88. So the "neuromajority" is 87 out of 88 so why would we expect them to have any knowledge about us? Autism is complicated for those of us that live it everyday so why should we expect them to "get it".
While most people are nice but clueless there are bullies and it s hard to tell the difference at times.

I have not disclosed aspergers much but a lot of people think I am more intelligent then I am because I wear glasses and am Jewish.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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19 Oct 2013, 7:17 am

A long time ago I mentioned to a friend, that I very likely was an aspie. Some months ago I met his sister in a restaurant.
She looked at me and said something about me having to be a math wiz...... I actually suck at it. A moment later she looked at me in astonishment because I spoke very naturally with her 14 year old daughter, a very sweet and sensible girl.
1. I have known my friends sister all her life.
2. She is an accomplished psychologist.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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19 Oct 2013, 9:38 am

people dont treat u weird because you have Aspergers. They treat you weird because either you're misrepresenting yourself in a negative way or they're just bullies. The second option is the less common one because most people aren't mean to people who aren't mean to them back.

You must be doing something that's giving people a reason to be mean to you. You're just not realizing it. My suggestion is be nice and friendly to people. If you're nice and friendly to people, there won't be any good reason for people to hate you and they are more likely to see past your flaws. Kind of like the Halo effect.

Look up the halo effect on google.

Last edited by Codyrules37 on 19 Oct 2013, 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Oct 2013, 9:41 am

I don't have AS by reputation, but here are two things, one chronic and one specific incident.

The chronic thing is that, if I happen to be in a group of 3 people (often in a work situation) and one person is talking, they make eye contact almost exclusively with the other person. I understand it's probably because I am subconsciously avoiding eye contact, but it still makes me feel intentionally excluded.

The other specific incident happened a few years ago with a gentleman who is married to a close friend of my wife. We were together in a mall and had the intention of getting a table at a Johnny Rockets for both couples. Arriving at the restaurant, I approached the hostess and began to request a table. Before two words were out of my mouth, he stepped in front of me and quickly completed the transaction, as if I were fully incapable of something so simple. Note that although I said that I am not AS by reputation, I'm sure he has privately diagnosed me as he has diagnosed at least one of his children.

Of course there were many more things when I was younger when I had no idea about AS, just thought I was a bad person others could justifiably not tolerate.


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19 Oct 2013, 9:46 am

If you are nice and friendly to other people, they are more likely to look past your flaws.


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19 Oct 2013, 9:52 am

Codyrules37 wrote:
If you are nice and friendly to other people, they are more likely to look past your flaws.

I try and I largely succeed, but it seems there are always little reminders.


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19 Oct 2013, 10:57 am

Zombie369 wrote:
Treating me like I'm an idiot: A lot of people seem to think that I'm a moron just because I'm slow to catch onto some things. I really hate it when people make me feel like I'm stupid just because there's some things in life that I don't understand due to my aspergers.

People thinking I'm a genius just because I have Aspergers: This is just as annoying as people thinking I'm an idiot. Some people think that I should know everything just because they read somewhere that people with Aspergers can be very smart. I'm not stupid but I'm not a scientist who's an expert on everything either. My special interests have nothing to do with science, math, history, or politics. My special interests are horror movies and the paranormal and that's about it, and even those things I wouldn't consider myself an expert on.

People overlooking me and talking down to me: This happens a lot in my family. I think because I have aspergers and my little brother has cerebal palsy that we're kind of viewed as the weakest links in the famly. I'm always given orders to do stuff that I'm never allowed to disagree with and nobody ever wants to listen to my opinion on anything. Whenever I try to talk they always talk over me or just ignore me. It's the same with my brother too.

That's why I've suggested in the past that we should replace the term "Asperger's" with our own term. The stereotypes associated with the term "Asperger's" won't go away for many decades, no matter how much we try to advocate for ourselves. The average person is very slow to change their mind. One tidbit of misinformation will stay with them for decades, no matter how many things they've heard since then that suggest that it's false. Any false representation from the media is very serious. No matter what they do to try to mitigate their past mistakes, the damage is already done. We can either come with our own clean-slated term, or spend decades trying to repair the term "Asperger's" and probably fail.


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19 Oct 2013, 11:32 am

People that aren't my family members don't believe that I have aspergers, so they don't treat me any different than their other NT friends. And because they think of me as a NT, they get mad at me when I don't want to get together all the time or don't want to talk everyday. That really bothers me.


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19 Oct 2013, 11:35 am

I made a big mistake when I first started my job. I had my mentor come to the interview with me, and he obviously told them that I had AS, and luckily they are a disability-friendly firm, so they were happy to take me on. The mistake of mine was I didn't think to tell them to keep my AS confidential, and not let the whole workplace know. My symptoms aren't obvious enough to have everybody needing to know, and I'm happy with just telling people myself that I have a stress or anxiety disorder and/or depression, which is also true. But I know somebody has let everyone in the whole workplace know that I've got this label what most people don't fully understand about, and I know they've all been told because of the way some people speak to me. Some seem to think I'm going to have a meltdown on the floor when stressed about something small, because of the way they react when I come to ask for help. Yes, I do get stressed, but I want to be treated like someone with a stress disorder, I do not want to be treated gingerly.

When people know I have AS, they only look at the stereotypes what they know of, instead of just looking at me as a person. Like when someone says something and I agree and know what they mean, they still start explaining themselves like they think I will take everything literally. It's like everyone feels like they have to tread on eggshells around me, and nobody has to do that. There are a few that do speak to me like any other ordinary person, which is what I like.

OK, I know I may sound a little contradicting, like wanting to be understood but not wanting to be treated gingerly at the same time. I don't expect people to just read my mind. I just like to be spoken to like a dignified person, but I also want people to be aware that I have anxiety and that, so when I am in an anxious situation, they will be willing to help. Yes, I can express my feelings like an average person, and people will see that when they get to know me.
